2006/444/EC: Council Decision of 13 March 2006 on the accession of the Community to United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No 55 on provisions concerning the approval of mechanical coupling components of combinations of vehicles (Text with EEA relevance)

Published date04 July 2006
Subject MatterInternal market - Principles,Accession to agreement,Commercial policy
Official Gazette PublicationOfficial Journal of the European Union, L 181, 04 July 2006
4.7.2006 IT EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea L 181/53


del 13 marzo 2006

relativa all'adesione della Comunità al regolamento n. 55 della commissione economica per l'Europa delle Nazioni Unite recante disposizioni concernenti l'omologazione di componenti di attacco meccanico di insiemi di veicoli

(Testo rilevante ai fini del SEE)



visto il trattato che istituisce la Comunità europea,

vista la decisione 97/836/CE del Consiglio, del 27 novembre 1997, ai fini dell'adesione della Comunità europea all'accordo della commissione economica per l'Europa delle Nazioni Unite relativo all'adozione di prescrizioni tecniche uniformi applicabili ai veicoli a motore, agli accessori ed alle parti che possono essere installati o utilizzati sui veicoli a motore e alle condizioni del riconoscimento reciproco delle omologazioni rilasciate sulla base di tali prescrizioni («accordo del 1958 riveduto») (1), in particolare l'articolo 3, paragrafo 3, e l'articolo 4, paragrafo 2, secondo trattino,

vista la proposta della Commissione,

visto il parere conforme del Parlamento europeo (2),

considerando quanto segue:

(1) Le prescrizioni normalizzate del regolamento n. 55 (3) recante disposizioni concernenti l'omologazione di componenti di attacco meccanico di insiemi di veicoli sono destinate ad eliminare gli ostacoli tecnici al commercio dei veicoli a motore tra le parti contraenti e a garantire un alto livello di protezione e di sicurezza di guida dei veicoli.
(2) Il regolamento n. 55 non è stato incluso nell'allegato II della decisione 97/836/CE perché non era conforme alle prescrizioni tecniche comunitarie al momento dell'adesione della Comunità all'accordo del 1958 riveduto.
(3) Viste le successive modifiche, il regolamento n. 55 deve essere integrato nel sistema comunitario di omologazione dei veicoli a motore,


Articolo 1

1. La Comunità applica il regolamento n. 55 della commissione economica per l'Europa delle Nazioni Unite recante disposizioni concernenti l'omologazione di componenti di attacco meccanico di insiemi di veicoli.

2. Il testo del regolamento è accluso alla presente decisione.

Articolo 2

Il regolamento n. 55 è integrato nel sistema comunitario di omologazione tipo dei veicoli a motore.

Articolo 3

La Commissione informa il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite della presente decisione.

Fatto a Bruxelles, addì 13 marzo 2006.

Per il Consiglio

Il presidente


(1) GU L 346 del 17.12.1997, pag. 78.

(2) Non ancora pubblicato nella Gazzetta ufficiale.

(3) Documento NU E/ECE/324, E/ECE/TRANS/505, Rev. 1/Add. 54/Rev. 1, e rettifica n. 1.


Concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions (1)

(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)

(1) Former title of the Agreement.

Addendum 54:


Revised version providing Revision 1 consolidated with Corrigendum 1 (1)

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of mechanical coupling components of combinations of vehicles

(1) Corrigendum 1 to the 01 series of amendments, subject of depositary notification C.N.602.2002.TREATIES-1 dated 13 June 2002.

(Actq whose publication is obligatory)

Regulation No 55 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE).

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of mechanical coupling components of combinations of vehicles.


1.1. This Regulation lays down the requirements which mechanical coupling devices and components shall meet in order to be regarded internationally as being mutually compatible.
1.2. This Regulation applies to devices and components intended for:
1.2.1. motor vehicles and trailers intended to form a combination of vehicles (1);
1.2.2. motor vehicles and trailers intended to form articulated vehicles (1), where the vertical load imposed on the motor vehicle by the trailer does not exceed 200 kN.
1.3. This Regulation applies to:
1.3.1. standard devices and components as defined in paragraph 2.3.;
1.3.2. non-standard devices and components as defined in paragraph 2.4.;
1.3.3. non-standard miscellaneous devices and components as defined in paragraph 2.5.


For the purposes of this Regulation:

2.1. „mechanical coupling devices and components means” all those items on the frame, load-bearing parts of the bodywork and the chassis of the motor vehicle and trailer by means of which they are connected together to form the combination of vehicles or the articulated vehicles. Fixed or detachable parts for the attachment or operation of the mechanical coupling device or component are included.
2.2. automatic coupling requirement is achieved if reversing the towing vehicle against the trailer is sufficient to engage the coupling completely, to lock it automatically and to indicate proper engagement of the locking devices without any external intervention. In the case of hook type couplings automatic coupling requirement is achieved if opening and closing of the coupling locking device takes place without any external intervention when the drawbar eye is inserted into the hook.
2.3. standard mechanical coupling devices and components conform to standard dimensions and characteristic values as given in this Regulation. They are interchangeable within their class, independent of manufacturer.
2.4. non-standard mechanical coupling devices and components do not conform in all respects to the standard dimensions and characteristic values given in this Regulation but can be connected to standard coupling devices and components in the relevant class.
2.5. non-standard miscellaneous mechanical coupling devices and components do not conform to standard dimensions and characteristic values as given in this Regulation and cannot be connected to standard coupling devices and components. They include, for example, devices which do not correspond with any of the Classes A to L and T listed in paragraph 2.6. such as those intended for special, heavy transport use and miscellaneous devices conforming to existing national standards.
2.6. mechanical coupling devices and components are classified according to type as follows:
Class A Coupling balls and towing brackets employing a 50 mm diameter spherical device and brackets on the towing vehicle for connecting to the trailer by means of a coupling head — see annex 5, paragraph 1.
Class A50-1 to 50-5 Standard 50 mm diameter coupling balls with flange type bolted fixing.
Class A50-X Non-standard 50 mm diameter coupling balls and brackets.
Class B Coupling heads fitted to the drawbar of trailers for connecting to the 50 mm diameter coupling ball on the towing vehicle — see annex 5, paragraph 2.
Class B50-X Non-standard 50 mm diameter coupling heads.
Class C Drawbar couplings with a 50 mm diameter pin and with a jaw and an automatic closing and locking pin on the towing vehicle for connecting to the trailer by means of a drawbar eye — see annex 5, paragraph 3.
Class C50-1 to 50-7 Standard 50 mm pin diameter drawbar couplings.
Class C50-X Non-standard 50 mm pin diameter drawbar couplings.
Class D Drawbar eyes having a parallel hole suitable for a 50 mm diameter pin and fitted to the drawbar of trailers for connecting to automatic drawbar couplings — see annex 5, paragraph 4.
Class D50-A Standard 50 mm pin diameter drawbar eyes for welded attachment.
Class D50-B Standard 50 mm pin diameter drawbar eyes for threaded attachment.
Class D50-C& 50-D Standard 50 mm pin diameter drawbar eyes for bolted attachment.
Class D50-X Non-standard 50 mm pin diameter drawbar eyes.
Class E Non-standard drawbars comprising overrun devices and similar items of equipment mounted on the front of the towed vehicle, or to the vehicle chassis, which are suitable for coupling to the towing vehicle by means of drawbar eyes, coupling heads or similar coupling devices — see annex 5, paragraph 5.
Drawbars may be hinged to move freely in a vertical plane and not support any vertical load or be fixed in a vertical plane so as to support a vertical load (Rigid drawbars). Rigid drawbars can be entirely rigid or be flexibly mounted.
Drawbars may comprise more than one component and may be adjustable or cranked.
This Regulation applies to drawbars which are separate units, not an integral part of the chassis of the towed vehicle.
Class F Non-standard drawbeams comprising all components and devices between the coupling devices, such as coupling balls and drawbar couplings, and the frame (for example the rear cross member), the load-bearing bodywork or the chassis of the towing vehicle — see annex 5, paragraph 6.
Class G Fifth wheel couplings are plate type

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