2007/601/EC: Decision of the European Central Bank of 24 July 2007 concerning the terms and conditions of TARGET2-ECB (ECB/2007/7)

Coming into Force19 May 2008
End of Effective Date31 December 9999
Celex Number32007D0007
Published date08 September 2007
Date24 July 2007
Official Gazette PublicationGazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea, L 237, 08 settembre 2007,Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea, L 237, 08 de septiembre de 2007,Journal officiel de l’Union européenne, L 237, 08 septembre 2007
8.9.2007 ES EN EN EN EN EN EN EN Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea L 237/71


de 24 de julio de 2007

relativa a las condiciones de TARGET2-ECB




Visto el Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Europea y, en particular, su artículo 105, apartado 2, cuarto guión,

Vistos los Estatutos del Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales y del Banco Central Europeo y, en particular, sus artículos 11.6, 17, 22 y 23,

Considerando lo siguiente:

(1) La política monetaria única exige una organización de los pagos que permita efectuar las operaciones de política monetaria entre los bancos centrales nacionales (BCN) y las entidades de crédito con puntualidad y seguridad y que promueva la unidad del mercado monetario en la zona del euro.
(2) El actual sistema automatizado transeuropeo de transferencia urgente para la liquidación bruta en tiempo real (TARGET) va a ser sustituido por TARGET2, que se caracteriza por una única plataforma técnica denominada plataforma compartida única. TARGET2 seguirá cumpliendo los mismos fines esenciales que TARGET, proporcionando un mecanismo fiable y eficiente para liquidar pagos en euros cuyo funcionamiento se basará en la plataforma compartida única.
(3) El Consejo de Gobierno adoptó la Orientación BCE/2007/2, de 26 de abril de 2007, sobre el sistema automatizado transeuropeo de transferencia urgente para la liquidación bruta en tiempo real (TARGET2) (1).
(4) El Banco Central Europeo (BCE) participará en TARGET2 a fin de procesar sus propios pagos y los pagos de sus clientes en TARGET2 y prestar por medio de TARGET2 servicios de liquidación a las entidades de compensación y liquidación, incluidas las establecidas fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE), que estén sujetas a la vigilancia de la autoridad competente y cuyo acceso a TARGET2-ECB haya sido aprobado por el Consejo de Gobierno.
(5) El BCE solo aceptará como clientes a bancos centrales y a organizaciones europeas e internacionales.
(6) El BCE solo concederá crédito intradía conforme a lo dispuesto en la presente Decisión a clientes que sean organizaciones europeas o internacionales.
(7) El Consejo de Gobierno ha decidido que las normas de los sistemas integrantes de TARGET2 se armonicen al máximo y se publiquen.


Artículo 1


1. TARGET2-ECB solo podrá:

a) procesar los pagos propios del BCE;
b) procesar los pagos de los clientes del BCE, y
c) prestar servicios de liquidación a las entidades de compensación y liquidación, incluidas las establecidas fuera del EEE, que estén sujetas a la vigilancia de la autoridad competente y cuyo acceso a TARGET2-ECB haya sido aprobado por el Consejo de Gobierno.

2. El BCE solo aceptará como clientes a bancos centrales y a organizaciones europeas e internacionales.

Artículo 2

Crédito intradía

1. El BCE solo concederá crédito intradía a clientes que sean organizaciones europeas o internacionales mediante descubiertos en las cuentas de dichos clientes. Los descubiertos no superarán en ningún momento del día la cantidad establecida en el acuerdo con el cliente para cada una de las cuentas. El crédito intradía que conceda el BCE se limitará al día en cuestión y no podrá transformarse en crédito a un día.

2. Toda concesión de crédito intradía por el BCE se ajustará a las normas de concesión de crédito intradía establecidas en el anexo III de la Orientación BCE/2007/2.

Artículo 3

Condiciones de TARGET2-ECB

Las condiciones de TARGET2-ECB serán las que se establecen en el anexo de la presente Decisión.

Artículo 4

Entrada en vigor

1. La presente Decisión entrará en vigor el 19 de mayo de 2008.

2. La Decisión BCE/1999/NP3, de 16 de marzo de 1999, sobre el mecanismo de pagos del Banco Central Europeo, y la Decisión BCE/2003/NP2, de 28 de enero de 2003, por la que se modifica la Decisión BCE/1999/NP3 sobre el mecanismo de pagos del Banco Central Europeo, quedarán derogadas con efectos a partir de la fecha de entrada en vigor de la presente Decisión, y las referencias a la Decisiones BCE/1999/NP3 y BCE/2003/NP2 se entenderán hechas a la presente Decisión.

Hecho en Fráncfort del Meno, el 24 de julio de 2007.

El Presidente del BCE

Jean-Claude TRICHET

(1) Véase la página 1 del presente Diario Oficial.





Article 1


For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the ‘Conditions’), the following definitions apply:

‘addressable BIC holder’ means an entity which: (a) holds a Bank Identifier Code (BIC); (b) is not recognised as an indirect participant; and (c) is a correspondent or customer of a direct participant or a branch of a direct or indirect participant, and is able to submit payment orders to and receive payments from a TARGET2 component system via the direct participant,
‘ancillary system (AS)’ means a system managed by an entity that is subject to supervision and/or oversight by a competent authority, in which payments and/or financial instruments are exchanged and/or cleared while the resulting monetary obligations are settled in TARGET2 in accordance with Guideline ECB/2007/2 and a bilateral arrangement between the ancillary system and the relevant CB,
‘ancillary system central bank (ASCB)’ means the Eurosystem CB with which the relevant AS has a bilateral arrangement for the settlement of AS payment instructions in the PM,
‘Ancillary System Interface (ASI)’ means the technical device allowing an AS to use a range of special, predefined services for the submission and settlement of AS payment instructions,
‘available liquidity’ (or ‘liquidity’) means a credit balance on a TARGET2 participant's PM account and, if applicable, any intraday credit line granted by the relevant CB in relation to such account,
‘Banking Directive’ means Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (recast) (1);
‘Bank Identifier Code (BIC)’ means a code as defined by ISO Standard No 9362,
‘branch’ means a branch within the meaning of § 24a of the Gesetz über das Kreditwesen (KWG, German Law on banking),
‘business day’ means any day on which TARGET2 is open for the settlement of payment orders, as set out in Appendix V,
‘capacity opinion’ means a participant-specific opinion that contains an assessment of a participant's legal capacity to enter into and carry out its obligations under these Conditions,
‘central banks (CBs)’ means the Eurosystem CBs and the connected CBs,
‘connected CB’ means a national central bank (NCB), other than a Eurosystem CB, which is connected to TARGET2 pursuant to a specific agreement,
‘Contingency Module’ means the SSP module enabling the processing of critical and very critical payments in contingency situations,
‘credit institution’ means a credit institution within the meaning of § 1(1) of the KWG,
‘credit instruction’ means a payment instruction submitted by an AS and addressed to the ASCB to debit one of the accounts kept and/or managed by the AS in the PM, and to credit a settlement bank's PM account or sub-account by the amount specified therein,
‘credit transfer order’ means an instruction by a payer to make funds available to a payee by means of a book entry on a PM account,
‘debit instruction’ means a payment instruction addressed to the SCB and submitted by an AS to debit a settlement bank's PM account or sub-account by the amount specified therein, on the basis of a debit mandate, and to credit either one of the AS's accounts in the PM or another settlement bank's PM account or sub-account,
‘direct debit authorisation’ means a general instruction by a payer to its CB entitling and obliging that CB to debit the payer's account upon a direct debit instruction from a payee,
‘direct debit instruction’ means an instruction from a payee submitted to its CB pursuant to which the CB of the payer debits the payer's account by the amount specified in the instruction, on the basis of a direct debit authorization,
‘debit mandate’ means an authorisation by a settlement bank in the form provided by the Eurosystem CBs in the static data forms addressed to both its AS and its SCB, entitling the AS to submit debit instructions, and instructing the SCB to debit the settlement bank's PM account or sub-account as a result of debit instructions,
‘entry disposition’ means a payment processing phase during which TARGET2-ECB attempts to settle a payment order which has been accepted pursuant to Article 12, by means of specific procedures, as described in Article 18,
‘Eurosystem CB’ means the ECB or the NCB of a Member State that has adopted the euro,
‘event of default’ means any impending or existing event, the occurrence of which may threaten the performance by a participant of its obligations under these Conditions or any other rules applying to the relationship between that participant and the ECB or any other CB, including:
(a) where the participant no longer meets the access criteria laid down in Article 4 or the requirements laid down in Article 6(1)(i);
(b) the opening of insolvency proceedings in relation to the participant;
(c) the submission of an application relating to the proceedings referred to in subparagraph (b);

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