
AuthorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency)
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Luxembourg: Publications Oce of the European Union, 2019
Print ISBN 978-92-9482-368-7 ISSN 2599-8382 doi:10.2839/920754 MH-AE-18-101-EN-C
PDF ISBN 978-92-9482-370-0 ISSN 2599-8390 doi:10.2839/815364 MH-AE-18-101-EN-N
Cover: ©
© European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged, the original meaning is not distorted and EIGE is not liable for
any damage caused by that use. The reuse policy of EIGE is implemented by the Commission Decision of 12 December
2011 on the reuse of Commission documents (2011/833/EU).
This report was developed by Davide Barbieri, Charl otte
Dahin, Brianna Guidorzi, Dr Marre Karu , Dr Zuzana Madaro-
va (Comenius University in Bratislava, Facult y of Social and
Economic Sciences), Blandin e Mollard, Dr Jolanta Reingardė
and Dr Lina Salanauskaitė on the basis of contribu tions
from the following experts: Monika Natter (ÖSB Consult-
ing), Re nate Haupfleisch (ÖSB Consulting), Katja Korolkova
(ÖSB Consulting), Monica Barbovschi (Ins titute of Sociology,
Romanian Academy), Liza Tsaliki (National and Kapodistrian
Univer sity of Athen s), Brian ONei ll (Dublin Inst itute of Tech-
nology) as well as Clara Faulí, Federica Porcu, Prof. Francisco
Lupiáñez Villanueva and Alexa ndra Theben (Open Evidence,
Open Universit y spin-off ).
The following count ry exper ts were responsible for the fo-
cus group discussions: Louise Horwarth and Barbara Bu-
chegger (AT), Andra Siibak (EE), Teresa Torrecillas Lacave
(ES), Seraphin Alava and Rasha Nagem (FR), Bence Ságv ári
(HU), Thuy Dinh (IE), Ivano Zoppi (I T), Jacek P yalski and
Iwona Chrmura-Ru tkowska (PL), and Elza Dunkels (SE).
The research was coordinated by Blandine Mollard.
A particular t hank you goes to European Ins titute for
Gender Equalit y (EIGE) colleagues for valuable contri -
butions and comments throughout the report devel-
opment: Jakub Caisl, Diogo Costa, Anke Gittenaer, Sofia
Jamal and Jurgita Pečirienė. Many thanks to the team at
EIGE for their adminis trative and commun ications sup-
The report grea tly benefited from ex pert advice receive d
from pa rticipants of EIGEs exper t consultatio n meet-
ing on gender, youth and digitalisation (24 April 2018),
the European Trade Union Committee for Education
(ETUCE) , the European Youth Forum, the general secre-
tariat of the Council of t he EU and the European Com-
mission, in particular the gender-equ ality unit a t the
Directorate- General for J ustice and Consum ers. Special
thanks go to the par ticipants of focus group discussio ns
for sharing their vie ws and experiences.
The European Institute for Gender Equality
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an
autonomous body of the European Union established
to strengthen gender equality across the EU. Equality
between women and men is a fundamental value of the
EU and EIGEs task is to make this a reality in Europe and
beyond. This includes becoming a European knowledge
centre on gender equality issues, supporting gender
mainstreaming in all EU and Member State policies, and
ghting discrimination based on sex.
European Institute for Gender Equality, EIGE
Gedimino pr. 16
Tel. +370 52157444

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