Annex 1: table of key national anti-discrimination legislation
Author | Kostic-Mandic, Maja |
Pages | 97-99 |
The main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation at both federal and
federated/provincial level.
Country: Montenegro
Date: 31 December 2018
Title of the law: Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, Of ficial Gazette of
Montenegro, no. 46/10, 18/2014, 42/17
Abbreviation: LPD
Date of adoption: 6 August 2010
Entry into force: 13 August 2010
Latest relevant amendments: 30 June 2017
Web link:
Grounds covered: race, skin colour, national affiliation, social or ethnic orig in, affiliation
to the minority nation or minority national community, langu age, religion or belief,
political or other opinion, sex, sex change, gender identity, se xual orientation and / or
intersex characteristics, health conditions, disability, age, material stat us, marital or
family status, membership of a group or assumed membership of a gr oup, political party
or other organisation as well as other personal characteristi cs.
Material scope: education, labour, goods and service delivery
Civil law
Material scope: education and vocational training, labour, goods and service delivery,
use of facilities/buildings and areas in public use, social protection, i ncluding social
security and healthcare
Principal content: prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, harassment ,
instruction to discriminate, creation of a specialised body
Title of the law: Criminal Code of Montenegro, Official Gazette o f the Republic
of Montenegro, no. 070/03, 013/04, 047/06, Official Gazett e of Montenegro,
no. 040/08, 025/10, 073/10, 032/11, 064/11, 040/13, 056/13 , 014/15,
042/15, 058/15, 044/17, 049/18
Abbreviation: CC
Date of adoption: 17 December 2003
Entry into force: 3 January 2004
Latest relevant amendments: 17 July 2018
Weblink: oad.aspx?rid=49322&rType=2&f
Grounds covered: national affiliation or affiliation to an ethni c group, race, religion,
political or other opinion, disability, sex, sexual orientati on or gender identity, language,
education, social status, social origin and property, other personal status.
Criminal law
Material scope: Scope of application covers all relevant field s. Article 443 paragraph 4
prescribes that a person who commits an offence from Articl e 443, paragraph 1-3 by
misusing their position will be sentenced to prison (1-8 years). Thi s offence can be
committed in any of relevant areas (education, employment, social services...)
Principal content: prohibition of all forms of discrimination
Title of the law: Labour Law, Official Gazette of Montene gro, no. 049/08,
026/09, 088/09, 026/10, 059/11, 066/12, 031/14, 053/14, 0 04/18
Abbreviation: LL
Date of adoption: 29 July 2008
Entry into force: 6 August 2008
Latest relevant amendments: 26 January 2018
Web link: radu.html
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