
In a press release published following his appointment, Michel Barnier explained that his "new duties as France's Foreign Minister do not constitute a break with but an extension of" his political course and commitments. "Europe will naturally remain at the heart of my new duties but these will naturally cover all aspects of international relations", he added.

Jacques Barrot, 67, is President of the UMP group in France's Assemblee Nationale. He has been a passionate believer in European integration since his entry into politics at the beginning of the 1960s. Mr Barrot was also one of the MPs charged with seeking, ultimately unsuccessfully, to co-ordinate the EU's position in the run-up to the Iraq war.

The members of Jean-Pierre Raffarin's new Government are:

- Nicolas Sarkozy: Minister of State, Economic Affairs, Finance and Industry;

- Francois Fillon: Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research;

- Dominique de Villepin: Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Civil Liberties;

- Jean-Louis Borloo: Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Cohesion;

- Dominique Perben: Grade des Sceaux and Justice Minister;

- Michelle Alliot-Marie: Minister of Defence;

- Michel Barnier: Foreign Minister;

- Philippe Douste-Blazy: Minister of Health and Social Protection;

- Gilles de Robien: Minister of Transport;

- Renaud Dutreil: Civil Sevice Minister;

- Herve Gaymard: Minister of Agriculture;

- Serge Lepeltier: Environment Minister;

- Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres: Minister of Culture and Communication;

-Marie-Josee Roig: Minister for the Family and Children;

Brigitte Girardin: Minister for Overseas Territories;

- Jean-Francois Laour: Minister for Youth, Sport and Associations;

- Nicole Ameline: Minister for Parity and Gender Equality in the Workplace.


The departure of three Commissioners just a few months before the end of the current Commission's mandate weakens Romano Prodi's team, although a return to national politics is testimony to the quality of Commissioners in the current team. This early departure - several members of the current team in Brussels may also leave in the coming weeks to stand in the June European Parliament elections - is nevertheless a clear sign that the current Commission is coming to the end of the road. With the exception of Stability Pact reforms, due to be presented in June, and an evaluation report on Turkey due this Autumn, no other major initiatives are likely from this Commission, which...

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