The European Commission is seeking contractors to assist in the evaluation of finished projects under three of the EU research programmes. The evaluations will consider the characteristic achievements of the projects and their potential and actual impacts in terms of: industrial applications; economic gains; and social and environmental aspects. The analysis will be assisted by a methodology consisting of indicators (based on the 15 project monitoring criteria used by the Commission) to be provided in the tender. Various means for collecting project data must be envisaged. The call for tenders is divided into two batches:- Batch 1: ex-post evaluation of RTD (research and technological dedevelopment), CRAFT (co-operative research) and thematic network projects from the Community programmes IMT (industrial and material technologies), SMT (standards, measurements and testing), transport (Fourth Framework programme), and competitive and sustainable growth (Fifth Framework Programme): evaluation of the results and expected impacts of the projects completed the year before and identification of means to enhance their impact. Around 2000 projects (completed...

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