Coordination at national level

AuthorGuomundsdottir, Guorun D.
The Equality Acts set out that the Prime Minister is responsible for coordinating issues
regarding anti-discrimination in relation to the grounds covered by Acts.
Although a specific anti-racism action plan has not been adopted, the National Action Plan
on Immigration 2016-2019, which was adopted through a parliamentary resolution on 20
September 2016, contained some measures to combat racism. One action listed was to
increase research into violence against immigrants and violence in immigrant communities.
The aim was to gather data that could serve as a basis for measures to combat violence,
which in this context includes hate speech and harassment based on racial or ethnic origin.
Regular studies were also to be carried out on the views of immigrants and Icelanders, to
be used as the basis for awareness-raising, and to promote multiculturalism, combat
prejudice and highlight the positive contribution of immigrants to Icelandic society. In
addition, in order to improve access for immigrants to public services, public employees
were to receive multicultural-awareness training.77 A special fund was set up to support
research and development projects related to immigration issues. Furthermore, it was
stated that preparations were under way for the ratification of the Framework Convention
for the Protection of National Minorities. The effectiveness of the Action Plan for 2016-2019
is now being assessed in the context of the drafting of the next Action Plan, for 2020-2024.
That assessment is not finalised, but there are indications that the Plan was overly
ambitious and that many of the measures envisaged did not fully materialise.78
Stakeholders emphasise that the next action plan should be based on mainstreaming, so
that immigrants can participate fully in all aspects of society, that it should empower them
(e.g. through support for grassroots organisations), and that it should be based on the
premise of improved services for all. Furthermore, educational support and increased
information is needed in schools, as well as awareness-raising campaigns to dissipate
prejudice and promote positive role models. Finally, more funds and more studies and
research are needed in this field.79
Local authorities are placing increased emphasis on immigration issues. The Icelandic
Association of Local Authorities (of which all Icelandic municipalities are members) has
adopted a policy on immigration, and many municipalities have adopted individual policies
based on this document.80 Such policies aim to ensure that the interests of immigrants are
guaranteed and that they know their rights and obligations as citizens and have easy
access to municipal services. The key objectives are for immigrants to enjoy the same
status as other residents and to participate fully in the community in each municipality.
There is no national anti-discrimination plan in place, but action plans have been adopted
in relation to some of the discrimination grounds.
In May 2017, a parliamentary resolution on a new Plan of Action on Disabled Persons’
Affairs 2017-2021 was adopted.81 The Plan stipulates that respect for diversity shall be a
77 Icelandic Parliament, Resolution on a National Action Plan on Immigration 2016-2019 (Þingsályktun um
aðgerðaáætlun í málefnum innflytjenda 2016-2019), adopted at the 145th Session, 20 September 2016.
78 Multicultural Council of the City of Reykjavik (2019), Comments for work on draft Parliamentary National
Action Plan on Immigration 2020-2024 (Erindi nefndarsviðs Alþingis dagsett 8.11.2019 varðandi ósk um
hugmyndir og ábendingar vegna væntanlegrar tillögu til þingsályktunar um framkvæmdaáætlun í málefnum
innflytjenda fyrir árin 2020-2024), November 2019.
79 Icelandic Red Cross (2019), Comments for work on draft Parliamentary National Action Plan on Immigration
2020-2024 (Framkvæmdaáætlun í málefnum innflytjenda fyrir árin 2020-2024; Hugmyndir og ábendingar
Rauða krossins), November 2019.
80 Icelandic Association of Local Authorities (2009), Action Plan on Immigration (Stefnumótun í málefnum
innflytjenda), available at:
81 Icelandic Parliament, Resolution on a Plan of Action on Disabled Persons’ Affairs 2017-2021 (Þingsályktun
um stefnu og framkvæmdaáætlun í málefnum fatlaðs fólks fyrir árin 20172021), available at:

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