Current best practices

AuthorBojic, Ines
People’s Ombudsperson and Disability Ombudsperson Office
The People’s Ombudsperson and the Disability Ombudsperson are good examples of
equality bodies. They are very active and engaged in the execution of their competences
and can be considered reliable and available to provide adequate support to victims of
discrimination. Both Ombudspersons are also very active in raising public awareness as
well as in the education of public and experts, improves the quality of protection against
discrimination. They also participate in legislative proceedings, issue opinions,
recommendations and proposals, publish annual reports and organise seminars,
conferences, roundtables and similar educational events with the aim of sharing
experiences and good practice in the field of discrimination.
Roma Housing Projects
In April 2019, the annual programme for housing solutions and improvement of living
conditions of the members of the Roma national minority was adopted.454 The
programme will be implemented through two schemes of which scheme 1 concerns
housing and scheme 2 the improvement of living conditions for Roma people. The first
scheme provides for one of the following: donations of building m aterial for the
renovation, extension, and completion of construction of fa mily houses owned or co-
owned by a Roma person or donation of building materials for the construction of a
house on a building land owned or co-owned by a Roma person. Additionally, the state
provides financial assets in the amount of 25 % of the value of the building materials,
which money can be used only for paying construction costs. Scheme 2 provides for the
donation of household appliances (fridges, washing machines, stoves and so on) and
furniture (chairs, tables, closet). The available budget is allocated on a first-come, first-
served basis. The value of the programme is HRK 1 500 000, which is approximately
EUR 200 000.
In 2019, the Roma Union of Croatia and local self-government units signed five
agreements concerning the construction of playing fields in Roma settlements in the
towns of Slavonski Brod, Belišće, Čakovec, and Beli Manastir, and in Nedelišće
municipality. Furthermore, in May 2019, construction of sports fields in the Roma
settlements in urđevec and Kuršanec were completed.
In 2019 there were also several projects concerning electrification and urbanisation in
those areas. For example, street lighting was installed in the Roma settlement of Zlatnica
and in September 2019, the Croatian electricity company (HEP) agreed to install 176 new
electric connections in Roma settlements. It is expected that more connections will be
installed in the future.
The biggest housing project in Roma settlements is the project in Darda municipality,
which has been on-going since 2014 and is expected to finish by 2023. The plan is to
build 87 family houses and 2 playgrounds with the aim of better including Roma in the
social and economic life of all inhabitants of Darda. The specific goal is to improve the
quality of living conditions and conditions for the upbringing and schooling of children and
youth, to improve the chances of employment of Roma and to increase the value of the
real estate.
454 Annual programme for housing solutions and improvement of living conditions of the members of the Roma
national minority. Available at

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