Decisión de la Autoridad para los partidos políticos europeos y las fundaciones políticas europeas, de 20 de julio de 2017, por la que se registra al Partido Verde Europeo


27.10.2017 ES EN Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea C 364/10


Visto el Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea,

Visto el Reglamento (UE, Euratom) n.o 1141/2014 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 22 de octubre de 2014, sobre el estatuto y la financiación de los partidos políticos europeos y las fundaciones políticas europeas (1), y en particular su artículo 9,

Vista la solicitud presentada por el Partido Verde Europeo,

Considerando lo siguiente:

(1) El 7 de junio de 2017, la Autoridad para los partidos políticos europeos y las fundaciones políticas europeas («Autoridad») recibió del Partido Verde Europeo («solicitante») una solicitud de registro como partido político europeo en virtud del artículo 8, apartado 1, del Reglamento (UE, Euratom) n.o 1141/2014, solicitud respecto de la cual se presentó información complementaria el 13 de junio de 2017, el 11 de julio de 2017, el 13 de julio de 2017 y el 18 de julio de 2017.

(2) El solicitante presentó documentación que certifica que reúne los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 3 del Reglamento (UE, Euratom) n.o 1141/2014, la declaración según el formulario que figura en el anexo de dicho Reglamento, y sus estatutos, que contienen las disposiciones previstas en el artículo 4 del mencionado Reglamento.

(3) En apoyo de la solicitud también se presentó una declaración del notario Anton Van Bael, con arreglo al artículo 15, apartado 2, del Reglamento (UE, Euratom) n.o 1141/2014, por la que se certifica que el solicitante tiene su sede en Bélgica y que sus estatutos son conformes con las disposiciones pertinentes del Derecho nacional.

(4) El solicitante presentó otros documentos con arreglo a los artículos 1 y 2 del Reglamento Delegado (UE, Euratom) 2015/2401 de la Comisión (2).

(5) De conformidad con el artículo 9 del Reglamento (UE, Euratom) n.o 1141/2014, la Autoridad ha examinado la solicitud y la documentación que la acompaña, y considera que el solicitante cumple los requisitos de registro que establece el artículo 3 de dicho Reglamento, y que los estatutos incluyen las disposiciones previstas en el artículo 4 del mencionado Reglamento.


Mediante la presente Decisión se registra al Partido Verde Europeo como partido político europeo.

Adquirirá personalidad jurídica en la fecha de publicación de la presente Decisión en el Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea.

La presente Decisión surtirá efecto el día de su notificación.

El destinatario de la presente Decisión es:

Partido Verde Europeo Rue Wiertz/Wiertzstraat 31 1050 Bruxelles/Brussels BELGIQUE/BELGIË

Hecho en Bruselas, el 20 de julio de 2017.

(1) DO L 317 de 4.11.2014, p. 1.

(2) Reglamento Delegado (UE, Euratom) 2015/2401 de la Comisión, de 2 de octubre de 2015, sobre el contenido y el funcionamiento del Registro de los partidos políticos europeos y las fundaciones políticas europeas (DO L 333 de 19.12.2015, p. 50).

The European Green Party represents Green Parties from all over Europe, and we are part of the Global Green family. We stand proudly for sustainable development and respect of human rights, built on the values of environmental responsibility, equality, freedom, justice, diversity and peace. Greens face the challenges of the 21st century by seeking to shape society in an innovative way. We propose policies for social solidarity and coherence compatible with sound economic and financial governance and which guarantee sustainability within our changing societies. For us and for generations to come.

These Statutes replace and supersede the previous Statutes of the European Green Party published in the Moniteur Belge on 19/09/2013 .

1.1. ‘Full Members’ means those members specified in Article 4.3.1.

1.2. ‘Members’ means the entire membership of the European Green Party as specified in Article 4.

1.3. ‘Allocated Votes’ means the total number of votes assigned at each Council meeting to Full Members, determined according to their size and other criteria under a formula detailed in the Rule Book, and to the Green Group in the European Parliament and the Federation of Young European Greens as specified in Article 5.3 and further detailed in the Rule Book.

1.4. ‘Rule Book’ means the detailed rules for the functioning, management and operations of the European Green Party and the composition of its bodies adopted in accordance with these Statutes.

1.5. ‘Europe’ means the territory within the outer borders set by the Council of Europe.

1.6. ‘Parties’ means political parties registered or recognised as such in their home country.

2.1. Through the present statutes the Full Members set up a European Political Party (Parti Politique Européen, PPEU), governed by the dispositions of Title III and IIIter of the Belgian law of 27 June 1921 on non-profit associations, foundations and European political parties and foundations.

2.2. The Full Members form the European Political Party ‘European Green Party’, also called ‘the European Greens’. The name may be abbreviated as necessary to ‘EGP’.

2.3. The logo of the European Green Party is a green rectangle with a stylized sunflower — consisting of twelve yellow petals – slightly tilted to the right, and with the words ‘European Green Party’ in white letters (font: Jaldi) positioned on the right of it. Image Alternatively, the words ‘European Greens’ can be used. For official documents, the logo with ‘European Green Party’ will be used. Image

2.4. The seat of the European Green Party is situated at rue Wiertz 31, in 1050 Brussels, Belgium.

2.5. The Committee may move the seat anywhere in Belgium by simple majority vote. The move must be published in the Moniteur Belge in accordance with the Belgian law.

2.6. The European Green Party, acting through the Committee, shall keep detailed financial accounts and shall report at least once a year to the Full Members on the state of the finances. The financial year of the organisation shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

The European Green Party

3.1. is a European political party within the terms of EU Regulation (EC) No 1141/2014 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding,

3.2. takes as its principles the Charter of the European Greens (further described as the Green Charter) annexed hereto (Annex A),

3.3. is open to political parties and other groups with a green agenda, from within and outside the European Union, which can subscribe to the Green Charter and which fulfil the membership criteria as laid down in these Statutes and further elaborated in the Rule Book,

3.4. stimulates and organises initiatives and activities on a European level in order to accomplish a common green political agenda and, to ensure close and permanent cooperation among all its Members, contributes to forming European awareness and seeks to express the political will of the citizens of the European Union as well as to realise the full potential of green political representation at all political levels,

3.5. works in close cooperation with the Green Group in the European Parliament (GGEP), the Green European Foundation (GEF), and the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG),

3.6. acts as the European partner within the structure of the Global Greens movement and subscribes to the Global Greens Charter annexed hereto (Annex C).

3.7. applies the principle of gender-balance in all its elected and appointed bodies and external representation.

4.1. The European Green Party consists of Green parties and is open to green organisations and movements.

4.2. Parties from within Europe can be accepted as Full or Candidate Members. Associate Members may be from outside these borders.

4.3. There are four membership categories: 4.3.1. Full Member: Full Members are Green parties from within Europe, as defined in Article 1.5, which have been duly approved by the Council and which fulfil the membership criteria as defined in the Rule Book.

4.3.2. Candidate Member: Green parties, which wish to become Full Members and which meet the application criteria as defined in the Rule Book, can become Candidate Members on approval by the Council and may subsequently apply to become Full Members after a minimum period of two years.

4.3.3. Associate Member: Associate Members are:

  1. Parties that are close to the European Green family;

  2. Parties that are closely related to Europe but geographically are not European Parties;

  3. green non-governmental organisations, movements or groups that are not yet parties due to the specific political situation of that country;

    which meet the membership criteria specified in the Rule Book and which have been duly approved by the Council.

    4.3.4. Special Category Membership Elected Members of the European Parliament (‘MEPs’) who are part of the GGEP and who belong to an EGP member party are automatically granted special category membership in accordance with the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding. Elected Members of the European Parliament who are part of the GGEP but who do not belong to a European Green Party Full, Candidate or Associate Member can be granted special category membership by a decision of the Council. All such MEPs exercise their membership collectively and exclusively through the GGEP delegation.

    4.4. The admission of Members and any subsequent suspension or withdrawal of Membership shall be decided by the Council and requires in each case a three-quarters majority of the Allocated Votes. 4.4.1. Membership applications are submitted to the Committee of the European Green Party in English, including a confirmation of its consent to the Green Charter, Global Green Charter, the EGP Statutes and Rule Book, as well as an English version of its own political programme and statutes and information about the number of registered members, political representatives, budget and accounts.


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