Development of labour law in Kosovo

AuthorMuhamet Binaku
PositionAAB College
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 3 No. 2
June, 2019
ISSN 2519-1284
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Development of labour law in Kosovo
PhD Muhamet Binaku
AAB College
The right to work is one of the most important rights, economic and social human rights and
fundamental principle of labor legislation. Work is one of the challenges of Life, through
which one humans passes during the whole life only to provide existence for themselves
and their families. The right to work is exceptional importance for every individual, as such
represents a precondition and guarantee freedom, the realization of personality development.
People without access to jobs, are dependent on social assistance or no perspective. In the
development of labor law there is a large number of constitutions that guarantee everyone has
the right of respect for his personality at work, conditions, safe and healthy at work, protection
needed in daily and weekly work, vacation pay annual job fair compensation, and legal
protection in case of termination of employment. These rights are fundamental and nobody
can avoid. Employment is the challenge of each national ligjislacion to provide a digni ed life
for citizens and society in general.
Keywords: East, di culties, challenges, employment, responsibility.
The right to work as a separate branch of law, was developed relatively recently, with
the beginning of the nineteenth century, being separated from the civil rights. This
process of separation from civil law starts with state intervention in labor relations.
In these changes, in terms of strengthening state intervention in labor relations, had
organized pressures impact on improving employee and labor humanity. With the
introduction of trade unions in di erent countries like England in 1825, France 1864,
Germany 1900, Austria 1910, organized pressures strengthened the ruling structures
in order to improve working conditions and labor relations humanity, which until
then characterized by the severe exploitation and employees were at the mercy
ofemployers. In the beginning the requirements consisted in cu ing working hours
and the prohibition of child labor, which demands were being gradually expanded.
State, ispecially the ruling elite, to the stability of the social order and maintaining
power, was forced to intervene in labor relations issues and take defensive measures
regulating the straight andmore humane labor relations.In these circumstances,
government intervention in ma ers of employment is developed in two basic
stages: The rst phase of state intervention in labor relations ma ers has done at
the period of accumulation of capital, which has had intended to protect employers.
As the second phase of state intervention in ma ers of labor relations is done at the
period of the industrial revolution, where the relevant legislation has been directed
at the protection of workers from excessive exploitation.1In the period between the
1 Herman, Vilim – Cupurd a, Milorad "Fundamentals of Labour Law" f.1 Law Faculty in Os ek-

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