The European Parliament, the Irish Presidency and the Commission hope to shake hands, on 20 February, on new rules that would grant the EU executive powers to request a redraft of euro states' budgetary plans in case of "serious non-compliance" with deficit obligations. The mood was hopeful on all sides before three-way talks on twin legislative proposals to boost economic governance, the so-called two pack', started. To break the deadlock, the Commission informally agreed to set up an expert group to analyse the legal feasibility of a European Redemption Fund - to part-mutualise government debt - and short-term eurobills. This should satisfy the demands of the S&D, ALDE and Greens-EFA groups in the EP without alienating the member states.

Over a year ago, in November 2011, the Commission published twin proposals on fiscal discipline for euro countries: one aiming at strengthening economic and budgetary surveillance of member states under market pressure - COM(2011)819 - and one to improve European coordination of national budgetary plans - COM(2011)821. EP and Council have reached an agreement on the former text, where French MEP Jean-Paul Gauzes (EPP) is the draftsman. On the second proposal, where Elisa Ferreira (S&D, Portugal) is the rapporteur, the Socialists, Liberals and Greens request commitments towards establishment of a redemption fund and the issuance of short-term eurobills. There has been a majority in Parliament for a while now on the text as such but this majority refused to tighten budgetary discipline without a solidarity counterpart, explains one source.

The Socialists, Liberals and...

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