
AuthorEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency)
1 To understand when the Charter applies see: FRA (2018), Applying the Charter of the European Union in law and
policymaking at national level.
2 Greece, Ministry of Development and Investments (2020), Αποτελέσματα ελέγχων για την εποπτεία της αγοράς,
press releases of 9June, 15June, 22June and 29June.
3 Austria, Federal Law Gazette II No. 252/2020 (2020), Änderung der Verordnung über die Einreise auf dem
Luftweg nach Österreich und der Verordnung über die Maßnahmen bei der Einreise aus Nachbarstaaten; Estonia,
Government of the Republic (2020), Travelling and border-crossing; Italy, Council of Ministers (2020), Decreto del
Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 11giugno2020.
4 Bulgaria, Ministry of Health (2020), Заповед № РД-01-354 от 22.06.2020 г. за въвеждане на противоепидемични
мерки на територията на Република България; Sweden, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (2020),
Besöksförbudet på äldreboenden förlängs.
5 Information provided by the Ombudsperson for people with disabilities via email on 30June2020.
6 Ireland, Department of Education and Skills (2020), Minister McHugh conf‌irms Summer Programme to run for
children with special educational needs and disadvantage; The Netherlands, Update on activities posted on
19June2020, by Salvation Army and by Nevo Trajo Roma grass roots foundation; Slovakia, Ministry of education
(2020), Deti môžu ísť cez prázdniny do letnej školy, ministerstvo školstva im rozdelí pol milióna eur; Spain,
Government of Spain (2020), Estado de alarma. Medidas crisis sanitaria COVID-19.
7 Portugal, High Commissioner for Migration (2020), Associativismo Cigano 2020 - Candidaturas até 18 de junho de 2020;
Romania, National Agency for Roma (2020), Finantari 2020.
8 Angelov, G. (2020), Коронавирус в България: кой помага на ромите?, Deutsche Welle Bulgaria;
Peeva, D. (2020), Българи и роми - всички може да се разболеем, или защо медиаторите не чакат
държавата, Dnevnik; Zehirova, Z. (2020), Полицаи на входа на квартала: сигурност или дискриминация
по време на пандемия, Dnevnik; Mediapool (2020), Полицаи на входа на квартала: сигурност или
дискриминация по време на пандемия.
9 Information submitted to FRA.
10 The 17 Member States for which FRA obtained data in June reported marked declines between March and
May/June2020 in the number of asylum applications compared with the same period in 2019 or the f‌irst
couple of months of 2020 when restrictions were not yet in place.
11 Croatia, Marić, J. (2020), Podnesene 32 prijave za širenje lažnih vijesti o koroni u Hrvatskoj. Sudit će im se po
zakonu iz bivše Juge, Novilist.hr; Knežević, A. (2020), Istarska policija je otkrila ženu koja je na Facebooku glumila
da je liječnica i širila laži o koroni’, Telegram; Hungary, Koronavirus.gov.hu (2020), Operatív törzs: már Budapesten
is tartható házasságkötés után családi rendezvény; Szurovecz Illés (2020), Eddig egyetlen embert ítéltek el
rémhírterjesztéses ügyben, 444.hu.
12 Sweden, Sweden’s Radio (2020), Corona-app i Sverige väcker frågor om datasäkerhet; Piratpartiet (2020),
Ny svensk corona-app.

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