Energy strategies in Kosovo and the achievements in the field of Energy

AuthorValdet Gashi
Vol. 3 No. 2
June, 2019
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
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Energy strategies in Kosovo and the achievements in the eld of Energy
PhD (C.) Valdet Gashi
The paper deals with energy management, strategy implementation and achievements
in the country's energy independence (Kosovo), their energy impacts (and their
re ections in other areas).
The purpose and importance of the paper
The purpose of this paper is to make an assessment of the current energy situation
in Kosovo and the region, taking into account energy and its resources, energy
consumption in general. What is the impact on the current cost of electricity with
and without the application of the strategies, how much is the energy e ciency and
energy management applicable, as well as the achievements that follow upon their
Measures foreseen under the Strategies and Energy E ciency are considered as
measures that will impact the improvement of the quality of energy services. Another
element is the treatment and use of renewable resources that will signi cantly reduce
electricity costs and dust emissions will be reduced by more than 90%, those of SOx
and NOx by around 70% and there will be no increase in emissions of carbon dioxide
per unit of electricity produced.
All the issues mentioned above are addressed in the strategies 2009/2018 and
2018/2027 as indispensable criteria towards the current directives and regulations
(energy legislation).
Methodology of the Paper
primary/secondary data research,
scienti c material.
Topic nature
The topic has a technical character and is based on local literature and the literature of
the states that have applied energy e ciency measures alongside the emerging and
applied strategies (their achievements).
What is the impact of strategies in reducing energy consumption (applying the
measures deriving from them)?
The main argument is the challenges of Kosovo in the energy sector and of IT
innovations in the energy eld, because the country is relying on lignite red
power plants for electricity generation. The development of a database on energy
consumption in public institutions on the household sector, industry sector, service
sector and transport sector would enable the identi cation of energy consumption
and the creation of a monitoring process in order to plan and implement cost-e ective
energy e ciency measures.

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