
The informal meeting will take place on the afternoon of April 5 and the morning of April 6. Ministers are expected to discuss issues related to the development of the EU's military capabilities, taking stock of progress towards what is envisaged to be a new capabilities horizon of 2010, following the completion, albeit with certain limitations, of the existing "Helsinki Headline Goal" (foreseeing the deployment within 60 days of a 60,000-strong military force for up to a year). The new capabilities phase is expected to be marked by a more "qualitative" approach to building the EU's capacity to conduct military operations, focusing on "inter-operability" (of forces/troops, and of military and civilian components), and the "deployability" and "sustainability" of operations. The 2010 horizon, officials indicate, will involve dealing with two key identified shortfalls or weaknesses - long distance "strategic lift" by air and sea, and communications inter-connections. The idea is that the June 17-18 European Council should formally adopt the new Headline Goal.

Battle Groups.

Discussions on deployability are likely to broach the Franco-British-German inspired proposal - welcomed on March 22 by EU Foreign Ministers - to create rapid-deployment military "Battle Groups" (see Europe Information 2854). The idea is to have such Groups available from 2007, in particular with the need to have strategic lift capability in mind. Rapid response in general, notably in support of United Nations activities...

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