The European Parliament's Conference of Presidents was due on January 27 to decide on the composition of the group of independent experts tasked with working, between now and March 15, on putting forward practical proposals for extensive reforms to the Commission's administrative culture, according to a Resolution MEPs adopted during their plenary session on January 14 (see European Report No 2374). The actual principle of appointing the group is still causing dissent in the Parliament and the Greens have urged the Committee on Institutions to consider the legality of the Resolution in the light of the Treaty 's Article 138C dealing with ad hoc committees of inquiry and Article 206 on the budget discharge procedure.

The names of the eminent personalities due to be called upon to join this committee of experts was still exciting intense discussions as European Report was going to press. The chair of the group will be appointed by common consent with the Commission President. The name of Simone Veil, the Parliament's former President, was considered for a time but has now been discounted...

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