


Laetitia Hamon has been Head of Sustainable Finance at the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) since July 2020. She is responsible for the exchange’s sustainable finance strategy and related projects, and leads the expert team at LuxSE’s UN-awarded platform for sustainable finance, the Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX). Laetitia was appointed to the European Commission’s prestigious High-Level Expert Group on scaling up sustainable finance in low- and middle-income countries in 2022.

As a pioneer in sustainable finance, Laetitia started her career as an ESG analyst for an extra-financial rating agency in 2008. Passionate about the topic, Laetitia decided to dedicate her career to sustainable finance. After gaining experience from the investment fund industry through different positions at Thomson Reuters and ALFI – the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry, she spent 8 years managing and then leading the Sustainable Finance audit and advisory practice at KPMG in Luxembourg.


This electronic presentation delves into the multifaceted issue of greenwashing, shedding light on its various manifestations and strategies employed by organizations to convey a misleading impression of environmental responsibility. Moreover, it explores the responsive actions taken by regulatory bodies to curb this growing risk and highlights the proactive measures that can be implemented to mitigate its adverse effects.

Greenwashing, as a deceptive marketing tactic, can take on diverse forms, ranging from exaggerated eco-friendly claims to the misrepresentation of a company's environmental efforts. By examining these different shapes and forms, the presentation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how greenwashing can manifest itself across industries and sectors.

In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discussions, regulatory bodies are increasingly vigilant about combatting greenwashing. This presentation will delve into the evolving landscape of regulations and guidelines aimed at curbing this unethical practice. It will also discuss the strategies...

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