Implementation issues

AuthorHiltunen, Rainer
8.1 Dissemination of information, dialogue with NGOs and between social
a) Dissemination of information about legal protection against discrimination (Article
10 Directive 2000/43 and Article 12 Directive 2000/78)
The unit for democracy, language affairs and fundamental rights within the Ministry of
Justice maintains the website, which provides resources for authorities,
organisations and those interested in equality and non-discrimination. The website
includes training material, together with information on legislation, research, ongoing
campaigns and different minorities.136
b) Measures to encourage dialogue with NGOs with a view to promoting the principle
of equal treatment (Article 12 Directive 2000/43 and Article 14 Directive 2000/78)
An Advisory Board on Non-Discrimination (yhdenvertaisuusasioiden neuvottelukunta) was
established by a Government decree137 in January 2016 and was set up for a three-year
period from 15 October 2016 to 14 October 2019. No new board had been nominated by
the end of 2019, but this was expected to happen at the beginning of 2020.
The advisory board is composed of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman as the chairman
and a maximum of 40 other members ‘representing significant expertise in combating
discrimination’ their characteristics are defined in the Government decree. The
Government decree does not provide any further information on the selection criteria for
the members of the advisory board, but among the organisations represented on the
advisory board are key ministries, social partners and NGOs representing all grounds of
discrimination in the sphere of activity of the Ombudsman. The board does not have any
decision-making role, but works as a communications network between the Ombudsman,
civil society and authorities.
The Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations seeks to promote interaction between Finland’s
ethnic minorities and the authorities, NGOs, political parties and social partners, and to
provide the ministries with immigrant and minority policy expertise in the interests of
promoting an ethnically equal and diverse society.138 There are also seven regional
advisory boards for ethnic relations.
c) Measures to promote dialogue between social partners to give effect to the principle
of equal treatment within workplace practices, codes of practice and workforce
monitoring (Article 11 Directive 2000/43 and Article 13 Directive 2000/78)
The Advisory Board on Non-Discrimination (yhdenvertaisuusasioiden neuvottelukunta)
has a subcommittee on employment issues. It gathers together the representatives of
trade unions and employers and NGOs representing different discrimination grounds. The
subcommittee has organised events, such as a fair designed promote the participation of
persons with disabilities to employment.
d) Addressing the situation of Roma and Travellers
There are a number of bodies that deal with discrimination/equality in relation to the
Roma. These include, most importantly, the Advisory Board on Romani Affairs (RONK),
137 Government Decree on the Advisory Board on Non-Discrimination (Valtioneuvoston asetus
yhdenvertaisuusasiain neuvottelukunnasta), 39/2016,

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