Importance of UNESCO and the consequences of rejection of Kosovo s bid for membership
Author | Halim Bajraktari - Emurllah Spahiu |
Position | Prof.ass. dr. University 'Ukshin Hoti' of Prizren, Law Faculty. |
Pages | 172-180 |
Vol. 3 No. 1
January, 2019
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
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Importance of UNESCO and the consequences of rejection of Kosovo s bid
for membership
Halim Bajraktari
Prof. ass. dr. University ”Ukshin Hoti” of Prizren, Law Faculty.
Emurllah Spahiu
A er 10 year of the independence the Republic of Kosovo is facing di culties in joining
United Nation, and his specialized agencies, also facing the di culties, to join international
organizations as a way to secure recognition and complete statehood in international arena.
This document explores the quest of Kosovo and will be focus on Kosovo’s application to join
UNESCO, the United Nations’ cultural organization, the process and procedures of application
from one nonmember in UNESCO organization in our case Republic of Kosovo. It begins with
the role of the Kosovo supporters in application process and their counterparts, request for
the admission of the Republic of Kosovo to UNESCO, who were the sponsors and cosponsors
of the request, Kosovo’s institutions statements and declarations on taking the obligations
according to the UNESCO constitutions.
The second part of this paper will cover procedures followed and the decision of the hundred
and ninety-seventh session of the UNESCO executive board (197EX/43), distribution of votes
by states in favor of Kosovo’s request, votes of the states against Kosovo and votes of states
with abstention and absent states on voting process.
The third part will cover the recommendation of the UNESCO executive board, and proceed
the decision and recommendations to secretary in order that Kosovo request to be discussed
on the General Conference, part of the general conference discussion related to the Kosovo
application and voting process on the General Conference distribution of votes from the states
who voted in favor, against, abstention and absence during General Conference and rejection
of Kosovo bid.
And the conclusions while what are the benefi ts on joining the UNESCO and the consequences
for Kosovo in the rejection of bid to obtain a seat at the organization UNESCO, what are
the next steps and the chances of Kosovo Institution and recommendations for future, and
selection of approaches on the second bid to join UNESCO in the near future.
Keyword: UN, UNESCO, statehood, Executive Board, General Conference, request, Republic
of Kosovo, rejection.
Problem analysis and research goal
Faced with di erent challenges as a new state Republic of Kosovo, the independence
which it declared on 17 February 20081, in coordination with majority of the countries
of the international community, a er a long process of establishment, consolidation of
self-governing institutions and building operational and functional state capacities,
1 Kosovo Assembly transcript h p://
2008_02_17_al.pdf (consulted 04.11.2018).
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