Individual Appeal to Albanian Constitutional Court. The object of control, the subjects that are legitimized, the conditions of legitimacy
Author | Shaban Nikola - Flogerta Biba |
Position | University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law. Albanian |
Pages | 161-171 |
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 3 No. 1
January, 2019
ISSN 2519-1284
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Individual Appeal to Albanian Constitutional Court
The object of control, the subjects that are legitimized, the conditions of
The German model as a guide to internal jurisprudence over the control of public act
PhD. (C.) Shaban Nikola
University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law. Albanian
Msc. Flogerta Biba
University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law. Albanian
The new constitutional changes brought about a reform of the legal system for the protection
of fundamental civil and political rights and liberties. In this regard, for the fi rst time in the
Albanian legal system is provided the institute of “Individual Appeal” at the Constitutional
Court, which legitimizes the subjects of the right to address to the Constitutional Court for
violating the fundamental rights and freedoms set forth in the constitution. This institute,
unlike the previous constitutional complaint, extends the circle of rights to which citizens,
entities of the right can address to the Constitutional Court.
The dissertation will focus on the innovations of this constitutional reform, the distinction
between the previous system of appeal to the Constitutional Court and the current system,
but also the distinction between "individual appeal" and "popular claim". Particular a ention will
be paid to the conditions that constitutional and legal norms provide for the legitimization
of subjects, enriched with the practice of the Constitutional Court. The individual appeal
institute being a new model will be compared with the case law of the European Courts,
mainly of the German Federal Constitutional Court, in order for this practice to serve scholars
and applicants for as long as possible legally.
Key Words: Individual appeal, actiopopularis, public act, e ective access.
1. Introduction to the model of the individual appeal
In the context of the constitutional and legal changes, also known as the “justice reform
package”, the provisions related to the scope of the Constitutional Court as regards
the model and powers of constitutional control were also amended and the circle of
rights legitimize physical persons to invest in the Constitutional Court. With previous
provisions, the role of the court as a "guarantor" of fundamental rights and freedoms
was limited, as they were included in the area of constitutional action only when
their violation was commi ed in violation of the due process. In this way, Article
134/2 of the Constitution unchanged, provided that "the entities provided for in sub-
paragraphs dh, e, ë, f and g of paragraph 1 of this Article may apply only for ma ers
relating to their interests."This sphere of constitutional action meant that the role of
the court extended to the formal control of constitutional rights rather than to those
of a substantive nature. That is, the individual could not ask the Constitutional Court
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