Enhancing Access to the EU’s Labour Market: Talent Partnerships and Key Priority Areas of Exploring Potential Avenues for Legal Migration 

JurisdictionEuropean Union


Dr. Lilian Tsourdi is an Assistant Professor and Dutch Research Council grantee atthe Law Faculty of Maastricht University and the Maastricht Centre for European Law. She has received three prestigious research grants as Principal Investigator: a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship by the European Commission and VENI and Hestia grants by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Lilian is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Refugee Law published by Oxford University Press and deputy coordinator of the Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe, the ‘Odysseus Network’. She obtained her PhD from the Law Faculty and the Institute for European Studies of the ULB (December 2016).

Her research lies at the intersection of EU Law, Public International Law, and public policy/administration with a focus on human rights, asylum, migration, and governance theories. Lilian combines legal analysis with empirical qualitative research methods. She was the first scholar to systematically examine EU’s asylum policy from a combined perspective of EU constitutional and administrative law, as well as public policy governance theories. She analysed underexplored elements of asylum administrative governance, including adaptations instigated by the ‘migration crisis’, such as joint implementation patterns through EU agencies and the emergence of more significant forms EU funding.


In this presentation, the speaker delves into strategies aimed at fostering legal migration to Europe by concentrating on the augmentation of access to the labor market for third-country nationals. The discussion encompasses a multifaceted exploration of legal and policy developments that are pivotal in shaping the landscape of migration to the European continent. The speaker provides a nuanced analysis of the evolving nature of new instruments designed to facilitate and streamline the process for third-country nationals seeking employment opportunities within European borders.

One key focus of the presentation is the elucidation of comprehensive talent partnerships with third countries. The speaker goes beyond the conventional...

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