Old Çarshia (Bazaar) in Gjakova

AuthorBekim Vishaj
PositionUniversity of Tirana
Vol. 1 No. 1
January 2017
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Old Çarshia (Bazaar) in Gjakova
PhD (C.) Bekim Vishaj
University of Tirana
I`ll present in this manuscript some data relating to the “Bazaar in Gjakova” or “Çarshia e
Madhe” and its importance for the development of trade for Gjakova and its surroundings
and also for the Albanian lands in general. “The old bazaar” in Gjakova represents one of
the greatest monumental complexes not only for Gjakova but also outside its borders. Bazaar
of Gjakova was a great economic-, social- and cultural center for the region of Gjakova and
beyond it. Within this complex have been developed all possible cra s of that time. Scienti c
works show that this complex was once a great economic-commercial, social and cultural
center in Kosovo and beyond it. In this sense main objective of this manuscript is the analysis
of the development of the old Bazaar of Gjakova.
Keywords: Old Bazaar, cultural heritage, cra s and cra smen.
The city of Gjakova is known in wri en sources since the h decade of the XIV
century, more precisely since 1348 when it used to belong to the region of Alltun -ihlis
with headquarters in Junik (Rizaj,1982, 206).
Gjakova as a city has had a favorable geographical position (Hadri, 1974, 13).
Its favorable geographical position and strategic importance helped to the fast
development as a center of cra smanship and trade place. Based on the records of
1571, Gjakova was still a village but it had a shopping center (Drançolli, 1984, 27-
41). Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi, had wri en that Gjakova had 2000 houses, two
monumental mosques, a Hamam and 300 stores (Çelebi, 1973, 129). Gjakova was
transformed into an administrative center emphasizing the development of industry,
trade, tourism, education and culture (Komuna e Gjakovës, 2015). Gjakova is known
for its large number of cultural and historic monuments.
Old Çarshia (Bazaar) – The complex of “Great Çarshia” is an area consisting of
hundreds of shops and other signi cant cultural, historical and religious objects.
Çarshia has been built in the space between the river Krena and Qabrati, dating back
to the years 1594-1595 when Bizeban Sulejman Efendi known as Hadim Aga, built
a mosque in the last decade of the XVI (sixteenth century). The mosque was built
in the area of Jak Vula, so the city at the beginning was named Jakova (Drançolli,
2011, 128). During the late seventeenth century the construction of architectonic
and urban buildings in the shape of unique compound began, and this way “Great
Çarshia” was established, which took its de nitive form in the second half of XIX
century. The city developed quickly and the main branches of the economy were:
Handicra , trade, and agriculture. “Old Çarshia” of Gjakova had 1100 stores, which

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