PositionContraceptive pill Diane 35 and amphetamine-like 4-MA - Brief article

Two medicines could very soon disappear from the European marketplace: the contraceptive pill Diane 35 (following the French decision to ban the sale of it in France) and the amphetamine-like 4-MA. This substance, which has similar physical effects to amphetamines, is already illegal in ten EU countries (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) because it is well known to be potentially lethal. It has been linked to the death of 21 people in four countries between 2010 and 2012. Following a risk assessment procedure (as per Council Decision 2005/387/JHA), on 31 January the Commission proposed extending this ban to all EU member states. The draft decision has been sent to the Council for approval by a qualified majority.

The situation for Diane 35 is a bit different as, currently, there is only a national ban. On 30...

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