Principles based Ethics and Virtue Ethics

ten take a principled approach. However, establishing principles alone is not
enough; they must also be convincingly put into practice. In this book we
 
what seems to be the fundamental question of AI ethics, “What should AI
     
    
circumstances. This has given rise to deontological (rule-based) ethics that
stipulate what is right or wrong to do in various professions such as med-
          
ethical framework. Ethical guidelines and frameworks in AI often follow this
approach. Among the principles most present in AI ethical guidelines are im-
partiality, accountability, explainability, transparency, privacy, security, and
the common good. The European Union’s Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy
AI (Ethics Guidelines) further state that adherence to these principles vali-
dates an AI system as trustworthy.
Ethical guidelines in AI are often limited to principles (what to do) to the
detriment of their implementation (how to do it). However, ethics does not
consist exclusively of moral principles, as if moral judgement were reduced
  
necessary to consider aspects of reality that are not very predictable, such
as context dependency, different requirements for different stakeholders, as
Ethical behaviour does not emerge spontaneously or as a result of study-
ing a set of learned rules. A study led by MacNamara (MacNamara et al., 2018
 -
   -
tive principles are not worth much if they are not acknowledged and adhered
to. In order to actually acknowledge the importance of ethical considerations,

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