Progress toward human resources information system

AuthorElda Hoxhaj
PositionUniversity of Tirana
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 3 No. 1
January, 2019
ISSN 2519-1284
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Progress toward human resources information system
PhD (C.) Elda Hoxhaj
University of Tirana
Rapid changes in technology have a ected businesses in various ways and organizations must
look for means to manage their internal processes e ciently while preserving the integrity
of each practice. In human resources point of view, this involves many transactions a ecting
HR related issues. Organisations are investing large amounts of money and reserves on
HR so ware’s. Human Resource Management (HRM), in an organizational perspective, is
undergoing rapid change toward use of use Human Resources Information System (HRIS)
as a strategic tool for their management purposes. HRIS integrate HRM and Information
This study aims to explore the extent of usage of a Human Resource Information System
(HRIS) in an organizations analysing and emphasising the advantages that derives from the
implementation of HRIS.
Keywords: HRIS, Human Resources, Information Technology.
Jel Code: O15, O32-3
An organization is as strong as the weakest person in it”1
Ever since the creation of mankind to date, in any epoch or socio-economic system, in
any culture or stage of social development, the most important source and the most
powerful and sustainable driving force of every development step, in every f‌i eld, has
resulted to be the human capital. Human resources in an economic entity, private
or public, are considered of critical importance for both management and owners,
or other related parties. Human resources constitute a key element in the success
and failure of an organization, making human capital of an absolute importance
and irreplaceable. In the creation of revenues and values, in planning and strategic
direction, in the success or not of each economic entity, it is clearly evidenced that
the main determinant factor is human resources, both in the form of intellectual and
physical capacities.
I. Development of human resources
2.1 HR development – historical approach
Work, a word as old as mankind itself, comes from that time when man survived only
1 This expression is processed as a derivative outcome of the quote “A chain is only as strong as its
weakest link” (idiom of unknown source)

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