Reform of European Long-term Investment Funds: Outline of the Key Amendments to the ELTIF Regulation
Year | 2023 |
Ivan Kuznetsov is a Policy Officer at DG FISMA of the European Commission with over 10 years of regulatory and policy experience in the area of EU financial and securities markets.
This presentation is dedicated to addressing the key issues faced by ELTIFs 1.0 and outlining the proposed amendments to the Regulation. The speaker aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the reform's key fund rules, which encompass several critical aspects of ELTIF operations.
Starting with the Scope of Eligible Assets, the speaker will delve into the proposed changes in the definition of eligible assets, examining both potential expansions and limitations. Understanding the evolving landscape of permissible investments is crucial for comprehending the proposed ELTIF reform.
Next, the speaker will explore the recommended changes in Investment Strategies, focusing on aspects like risk mitigation, diversification, and alignment with investor objectives. These alterations can have far-reaching implications for how ELTIFs operate and interact with investors.
Leverage is a fundamental aspect of fund management, and the speaker will examine the proposed adjustments to leverage limits. This discussion will emphasize how these changes could impact risk management and the potential returns for investors.
Effective Marketing is essential for the growth of any fund. The speaker will scrutinize the proposed marketing rules, including potential shifts in disclosure requirements, investor communication strategies, and distribution methods. Understanding these changes is crucial for fund managers seeking to attract and retain investors.
The speaker will also address the proposed modifications to Redemptions policies. Liquidity management is a critical aspect of fund operations, and the speaker will examine how these changes might affect both investors and fund managers.
Additionally, the speaker will touch upon any Other Rules proposed within the reform. These may include various regulations and guidelines that could significantly impact ELTIF operations.
Through this comprehensive exploration of the ELTIF reform's key fund rules, the speaker's aim is to provide...
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