Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of the Council of 27 June 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal

Published date28 June 1968
Subject Matterviande bovine,carni bovine,carne de vacuno
Official Gazette PublicationJournal officiel des Communautés européennes, L 148, 28 juin 1968,Gazzetta ufficiale delle Comunità europee, L 148, 28 giugno 1968
EUR-Lex - 31968R0805 - EN

Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of the Council of 27 June 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal

Official Journal L 148 , 28/06/1968 P. 0024 - 0034
Danish special edition: Series I Chapter 1968(I) P. 0179
English special edition: Series I Chapter 1968(I) P. 0187
Greek special edition: Chapter 03 Volume 3 P. 0072
Spanish special edition: Chapter 03 Volume 2 P. 0157
Portuguese special edition Chapter 03 Volume 2 P. 0157
Finnish special edition: Chapter 3 Volume 2 P. 0063
Swedish special edition: Chapter 3 Volume 2 P. 0063

REGULATION (EEC) No 805/68 OF THE COUNCIL of 27 June 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Articles 42 and 43 thereof;

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission;

Having regard to the Opinion of the European Parliament 1;

Whereas the operation and development of the common market in agricultural products must be accompanied by the establishment of a common agricultural policy to include in particular a common organisation of agricultural markets which may take various forms depending on the product;

Whereas Regulation No 14/64/EEC 2 provided that the common organisation of the market in beef and veal should be established progressively from 1964 ; whereas the main features of the market organisation thus established are a system of customs duties and, as appropriate, a system of levies to be applied in trade between Member States and with third countries;

Whereas the introduction on 29 July 1968 of a single price system for beef and veal in the Community leads to the establishment of a single market in beef and veal on that date;

Whereas the aim of the common agricultural policy is to attain the objectives set out in Article 39 of the Treaty ; whereas, in the beef and veal sector, in order to stabilise markets and to ensure a fair standard of living for the agricultural Community concerned, provision should be made for measures to facilitate the adjustment of supply to market requirements and for intervention measures ; whereas the intervention measures may take the form of buying-in by intervention agencies ; whereas, however, aid should also be provided for private storage since such aid least disturbs the normal marketing of products and can help to reduce the volume of buying-in by intervention agencies ; whereas to this end provision should be made in particular for fixing prices below which intervention measures may be taken and the conditions under which intervention may take place;

Whereas the creation of a single Community market for beef and veal involves the introduction of a single trading system at the external frontiers of the Community ; whereas a trading system including import duties and export refunds, combined with intervention measures, also serves to stabilise the Community market, in particular by preventing price fluctuations on the world market from affecting prices ruling within the Community ; whereas it is necessary, however, to make provision for adding to this import duty a levy designed to ensure market equilibrium when prices in the Community fall below a certain level;

Whereas with a view to the application of the levy system import prices should be fixed on the basis of quotations recorded on the most representative markets of third countries and special import prices should be fixed where offer prices of third countries, other than those whose markets were taken into account in determining the import price, are considerably lower than the import price ; whereas the use of special import prices ensure that the Community market is not disturbed;

Whereas in order to guarantee adequate supplies for the processing industries in the Community, while maintaining a preference for Community-produced meat, provision should be made, in respect of frozen meat intended for processing, for a special import system consisting in the total or partial suspension of the levy ; whereas, in order to apply this system in certain cases, an estimate must be made each year of the amount of meat available for and required by the processing industry;

Whereas, in order to have more animals for fattening in the Community and to increase the production of meat without increasing the number of cows and, consequently, milk production, it is advisable under certain market conditions to apply a special system 1OJ No C 18, 9.3.1968, p. 16. 2OJ No 34, 27.2.1964, p. 562/64.

to import from third countries of certain categories of young bovine animals and calves for fattening in the Community;

Whereas, in order to control the volume of imports of beef and veal, in particular of frozen beef and veal, a system of import licences should be introduced including the lodging of a deposit guaranteeing that importation is effected;

Whereas provision for granting a refund on exports to third countries, equal to the difference between prices within the Community and on the world market would serve to safeguard Community participation in international trade in beef and veal;

Whereas, in addition to the system described above and to the extent necessary for its proper working, provision should be made for regulating or, when the situation on the market so requires, prohibiting the use of "inward processing arrangements";

Whereas the system of customs duties and levies makes it possible to dispense with all other protective measures at the external frontiers of the Community ; whereas, however, the machinery of common prices, customs duties and levies may, in exceptional circumstances, prove defective ; whereas, in such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances which may arise therefrom after the import barriers which existed previously have been removed, the Community should be enabled to take all necessary measures without delay;

Whereas the establishment of a single market in beef and veal involves the removal at the internal frontiers of the Community of all obstacles to the free movement of the goods in question;

Whereas restrictions on free movement resulting from the application of health protection measures may give rise to difficulties on the market of one or more Member States and may require measures by way of derogation;

Whereas the establishment of a single market based on a common price system would be jeopardised by the granting of certain aids ; whereas, therefore, the provisions of the Treaty which allow the assessment of aids granted by Member States and the prohibition of those which are incompatible with the common market should be made to apply to beef and veal;

Whereas the transition from the system provided in Regulation No 14/64/EEC to that established by this Regulation should be effected as smoothly as possible ; whereas transitional measures may prove necessary to facilitate this process;

Whereas the common organisation of the market in beef and veal must take appropriate account, at the same time, of the objectives set out in Articles 39 and 110 of the Treaty;

Whereas, in order to facilitate implementation of the proposed measures, a procedure should be provided for establishing close co-operation between Member States and the Commission within a Management Committee;


Article 1

The common organisation of the market in beef and veal shall comprise a price and trading system and cover the following products: >PIC FILE= "T0011117">

TITLE I Prices

Article 2

In order to encourage action by trade and joint trade organisations to facilitate the adjustment of supply to market requirements, the following Community measures may be taken in respect of the products listed in Article 1: (a) measures to improve stock breeding;

(b) measures to promote better organisation of production, processing and marketing;

(c) measures to improve quality;

(d) measures to permit the establishment of short- and long-term forecasts on the basis of the means of production used;

(e) measures to facilitate the recording of market price trends.

General rules concerning these measures shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 43 (2) of the Treaty.

Article 3

1. Before 1 August of each year a guide price for calves and a guide price for adult bovine animals shall be fixed for the marketing year...

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