Role of the EU in the fight against poverty and social exclusion

AuthorApplica, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
Report on the online consultation
2 Role of the EU in the fight against poverty and social
A set of three questions were included in the questionnaire on the role of the EU and
countries in combating child poverty and social exclusion.
As regards the role of countries, or national governments, 87% of respondents considered
that it is very important that their country better combats child poverty and social exclusion
specifically, while 12% consider it important, so that only 1% think the issue not to be
important (Figure 4).
Nine out of ten respondents consider that the EU should certainly help Member States to
fight against child poverty and social exclusion and another 9% that it should probably do
so. Researchers and those from NGOs, as well as from EU institutions, are strongly in
favour of the EU providing assistance (well over 90% in each case), while a slightly smaller
proportion of respondents from national and regional authorities expressed the same view.
The level of chil d deprivation in the country concerned seems also to have influenced t he
response, since 4% of respondents from countries where this is low thought either that EU
should not provide help or didn’t know whether it should or not as compared with no-one
in countries where the deprivation rate was high.
When asked whether or not the EU should do more to ta ckle chi ld poverty and social
exclusion, respondents show a slightly lower degree of consensus, some 4% of respondents
considering either that it should not or not exp ressing a view. Respondents from national
authorities are less in favour of the EU doing more, though the figure for those not
expressing support for the view is still only 7%. At the same time, 71% of respondents are
strongly of the view that the EU should do more than it currently does to tackle child
poverty and social exclusion, the figure being particularly high am ong those from NGOs.
Figure 4 Importance of combating child poverty and social exclu sion and role of
the EU in this (% of respondents)
Q.2a How important is it, do you think, that your country better fights
specifically against child poverty and social exclusion?
Q.2b Do you think that the EU should help Member States to fight against child
poverty and social exclusion among children?
Q.2c If yes, do you think the EU should do more than it currently does to tackle
child poverty and social exclusion?
In sum, according to the vast majority of respondents, their country should do better in
fighting against child poverty and social exclusion and consider that the EU should help in

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