Role of the European Parliament

AuthorEisele, Katharina
EPRS | European Parli amentary Re search Servic e
2. Role of the European Parliament
The Europea n Parliament has expressed its views on the need for a holis tic EU a pp roac h t o mig ration
and on return policies for irregular migrants. It has been vocal about protecting the rights of all
migrants, providing safe and legal access to the EU asylum system, and return policies which involve
sending migrants back to countries where they can be received safely and without being
In Ap ril 2015, the E urop ean Parlia ment exp re ssed its deep regret at the recurring tr agic loss o f lives
in the Mediterra nean and ur ge d the EU and the Member States to build on existing cooperation and
do ev erything poss ible to preven t further loss of life a t sea. It further called for the EU and the
Member Stat es to provide the n ecessary reso urces to ens ure that sea rch and rescue obligations
were effectively fulfilled and therefor e properly funded. In it s r esolu tion, the Eu rope an Par liament
also st ressed th e need to encourage voluntary return policies, while guaranteeing the pr otection of
rights fo r all migrants and ensuring safe and lega l access to the EU a sylum system, with due respect
for t he pr inciple o f non-refoulement.73
The Eu ropean Parliament has repeatedly called for retur n policies that in volve se nding mig rants
back to countries where they can be received s afely and without being exposed to danger , as
expressed in its r esolu tion o f 25 Octobe r 2016, on human rights and migration in third countries.74
In Apr il 2016, the European Parliament called for a holistic EU approach to migration to tackle the
situation in the Mediterranean Sea. It pointed out that the return of migrants should only be carried
out safely, in full compliance with the fundamental and procedural rights of the migrants in
question , and where the country to which they are being returned is safe for them. It also reiterated,
in that regard, that voluntary return should be prioritised over forced returns.75
In 2018, the Eur opean Parliament requested that the Euro pean Commission table a legis lative
proposal establishing a European Humanitarian Visa, giving access to Eur opea n terr itory
exclusively to the Member State iss uing the visa for the sole purpose of subm itting a n application
for in ternational protection.76 It emphasised that Member States should be able to issue
humanitarian visas at embassies and consulates abroad, so that people seeking protection can
access Eur opea n te rrit ory without r isking t heir lives .
73 European Parliament resolution of 29 April 2015 on the latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and
asylum po lic ies ( 2015/2660(RSP)).
74 European Parliament resolution of 25 October 2016 on human rights and migr ation in thir d countries
75 European Parliament resolution of 12 April 2016 on the situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a hol istic EU
approach to migr ati on (2015/2095(INI)), para. 6 0.
76 European Parliament resolution of 11 December 2018 with recommendati ons to t he Commission on Humanitarian
Visas (2018/2271(INL)); see Van Balle gooij , W., with Navarra, C., Humanit ari an Visas: Europe an Adde d Value
Assessment accompanying the European Parli ament's l egislat ive own -initiative report, EPRS, Eur opean Parliame nt,

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