Statistical assessment

AuthorGiulio Caperna - Eleni Papadimitriou
No Dimension Theme Ind icator
10 Violence
11 Family planning
12 Environment Hazards Exposure to hazards
13 Voice
In the community
Raise opinion
Bring about change
In the household Control ov er decisions
14 Time Use Labour b urden Leisure time
15 Work
Paid work
Type of work
Security and hazards
Unpaid work Security a nd hazards
The IDM hierarchical frame work is conceptually well justified and its structure and themes cover the most relevant
dimensions of deprivation.
Indicators and survey questions, designed to measure these aspects of each dimension were selected based on
their validity, re liability, specificity , feasibility, and comparabil ity, and an overall e mphasis on parsimony.
3 Statistical assessment
The statistical assessment of the IDM framework was performed as follows:
Assessment of missing data (sectio n 3.1);
Assessment of the weighting and aggr egation methods (section 3.2)
Identification of indic ators with strong col linearity, “silent” indicators and indicators that point to the
opposite direction and assessment of the statistic al coherence of the dimensions (sect ion 3.3);
3.1 Data quality and availability
The data analysis presented herein uses the indicators, themes, dimensions and the overall scores2 provided by
the developers.
2 The IDM team provided t he arithmet ic mean (w eighted, u nweight ed). The geom etric one s are calcul ated by the JRC as an alt ernative

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