The image of Slavic neighbors in the history of Albania textbook

AuthorEtleva Nita
PositionUniversity of 'Aleksander Xhuvani' Elbasan Albania
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 4 No. 1
January, 2020
ISSN 2519-1284
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The image of Slavic neighbors in the history of Albania textbook
PhD (C.) Etleva Nita
University of “Aleksander Xhuvani” Elbasan Albania
The most important investment to be done in the Balkans’ Region, for be er relationship and
interaction between neighbors, is in education system including school institutions, teachers’
and text books preparation. In the schools and textbooks there should be established a sense
of community and solidarity, the sense of good neighborhood which helps in establishing
be er relationships toward development. This does not mean to leave the past behind. The
history wri en on the truth by way of tolerance helps in a be er education of a new tolerant
This study aims at ge ing a view on the way Slavic nation is treated on the Albanian text
books a er ‘90s, through comparative overview on their treatment before ‘90s. The study shall
be focused on the following points:
How much importance and room is le on the textbooks on neighborhood issues? The interest
of Albanians on their Slavic neighbors and the impact on the textbooks.
Is the history on textbooks based on realistic facts and on the most important periods of history
between Slavic and Albanian nations; how are the darkest points of their relations re ected
on the text books?
History of relationship between Albanian and Slavic nations. Does the history speak on war
and con ict relationship only, or there are periods of time characterized of serenity, peaceful
and good relationship between both nations.
What should be done in the future; how we should re ect this part of History on the textbooks
and the way forward to improve the textbooks on this ma er?
The study shall be mainly based on the main textbooks of History of Albania for high school
level. The review shall be focused on language and wording used on the issue.
Keywords: History, Slavic, textbooks, visual resources.
This study aims at ge ing a view on the way Slavic nation is treated on the Albanian
text books a er ‘90s, through comparative approach to their treatment before ‘90s.
We studied the high school textbook from 1955-2000.
1. Ancient times and middle ages
The Albanian historiography, best displayed in all textbooks of the Albanian History
from 1955 till 2000, shows arguments that the ancient autochthonous populations of the
Balkans, were the Illyrians. In all these textbooks it is also shown that the descendants
of the Illyrians are the Albanians. In none of these texts has ever been discussed the
case that the Illyrians were created as an autochthonous union in the Balkans. In
the post-communist texts there are arguments about Serbian historiography that
deny the fact that the Albanians are Illyrians descendants, however a erwards it is

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