The Role of the International Criminal Law, the importance of Cooperation in Protection of Human Rights
Author | Halim Bajraktari |
Position | University 'Ukshin Hoti' of Prizren, Law Faculty |
Pages | 298-301 |
Vol. 3 No. 1
January, 2019
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
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The Role of the International Criminal Law, the importance of Cooperation in
Protection of Human Rights
Prof. Ass. Dr. Halim Bajraktari
University ”Ukshin Hoti” of Prizren, Law Faculty
Human rights have become the most discussed topic in two areas: their promotion and
protection, and in the frame of all the challenges the world is facing, such as their exploitation,
mistreatment, terrorism, international criminality, etc. Nowadays, these right are facing the
fear of death, rather than life and hope and are being overshadowed by the youth.
What are the future risks in society? How much the cooperation between states is needed
in the protection of these rights, why states need to have more cooperation and cooperative
agreements in the protection of human rights?
The beginning of the 21st century fi nds the world with never ending challenges. How many
states are today able to defend human rights in this li le co-operation on the one hand, and
with a great deal of peril, crime, and misuse of these rights?
These and many issues of cooperation between international criminal law and human rights
remain the key to the implementation of international declarations and acts in this 21st century
international justice fair.
Keywords: International criminal law, role, cooperation, human rights, needs and challenges.
In the frame of today’s reality, the role of international criminal law has been increasing,
infl uencing the cooperation between the subjects of the law, thus increasing the role
they have in the international laws on human rights.
One thing now is that the orientation of international criminal law a er World War
II is increasing the factoring of the human rights protection element by investing
in states and in the delivery of international laws by increasingly revising their
standardization legal, both national and international. This area should be the main
contemporary contributor, which does not stop even in the regional aspect by trying
to make "Europeanization" (Salihu, 2016, p. 83), for the protection of human rights
and their criminal security (Pradel, J, Korstens, G, & Vermeulen, G. 2010, p.216.).
Such addressed e orts are the result of many international mechanisms with defense
elements such as: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, (Where
by this 1947 declaration (Article 11)). The International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights, which together
have clearly intertwined how these legal and state areas need to be linked to help
protect citizens in the world.
The importance of cooperation
The new approach that creates international criminal law is essential for the
collaborative importance of protecting citizens and human rights in this process
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