Violence against women and domestic violence in relation to the Istanbul Convention

AuthorKristīne Dupate
10 Violence against women and domestic violence in relation to the Istanbul
10.1 General (legal) context
10.1.1 Surveys and reports on issues of violence against women and domestic violence
There is one relevant survey carried out rega rding the perception of domestic violence.
The survey carried out in 2018 demonstr ates that the majority of the population final ly
considers that domestic violence against women is a crime and n ot a private matter.163
More thorough informat ion includin g statistical data on police visits, claims l odged and
cases decided is provid ed by a relatively old report prepared by th e Ministry of Welfare
(responsible for implementation of the Istanbul Convention agenda) in 2016.164 According
to this rep ort, the number of registered domestic violence cases is growing considerably
year by year, which means that legal measures undertaken by the legislator in order to
bring Latvian law in line with the requirements of the Istanbul Convention at the beginning
of 2014, were urgently necessary for the effective p rotection of the victims of domestic
10.1.2 Overview of national acts on violence against women, domestic violence and issues
related to the Istanbul Convention
The Civil Procedure Law165 provides for the temporary protection order procedure, which
is the measure banning a perpetrator from approaching or contacting a victim of violence.
The Administrative Violations Code166 and the Criminal Law167 provide for sanctions in t he
case of non-compliance with the protection order or other oblig ations st emming from a
court’s decision, and criminal responsibility for stalking has been introduced. The g eneral
rights to state social services for victims and perpetrators are provided by Articles 3(1)(31)
and 3(1)(11) of the Social Services and Social Assistance Law, and more detailed
regulation is provided b y the Cabinet o f Ministers Regulation No. 790: ‘The procedure on
the provision of the social rehabilitation services for the victims of violence and for
perpetrators’.168 In addition, draft amendments to the Criminal Law have be en recently
submitted to Parliament by the Cabinet of Ministers relating to the more effective
qualification an d san ctioning of cases of dome stic violence , including protection against
10.1.3 National provisions on online violence and online harassment
There are no specific provisions protecting against online violence and online harassment.
10.1.4 Political and societal debate
After heated political debates between the highest ranking politicians, scholars and officials
during the spring of 2016 , concerning the substance of the Istanbul Convention mainly
163 Survey company SKDS, available in Latvian at:
164 Available in Latvian at:
165 Civilprocesa likums, Official Gazette No. 326/330, 3 November 1998.
166 Latvijas Administratvo prkpumu kodekss, OG No. 51, 20 December 1984.
167 Kriminllikums, Official Gazette No. 199/200, 8 July 1008.
168 The Social Services and Social Assistance Law (Socilo pakalpojumu un socils paldzbas likums), Official
Gazette No. 168, 19 November 2002, respective amendments Official Gazette No. 82, 27 May 2009; The
Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 790 ‘The procedure on the provision of the social rehabilitation services
for the victims of violence and for perpetrators’ (Socils rehabilitcijas pakalpojumu sniegšanas krtba no
vardarbbas cietušm un vardarbbu veikušm pilngadgm personm), Official Gazette No. 257, 30
December 2015.
169 Draft amendments to the Criminal Law No. 794/Lp12, available in Latvian at:[Title]=*kriminlliku*)&Se

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