Violence against women and domestic violence in relation to the Istanbul Convention

AuthorNousiainen, Kevat
10 Violence against women and domestic violence in relation to the Istanbul
10.1 General (legal) context
10.1.1 Surveys and reports on issues of violence against women and d omestic violence
Surveys and statistics on violence against women have been available for decades. An
important official attempt to gather information on the issue was made by the C ouncil for
Gender Equality in 1990, which established a committee to undertake a fact-finding
mission on violence against women in Finl and. Today, information is collected from crime
statistics, national victim surveys and special studies on violence against women and men.
These sources provide information on different aspects of violence against women.
According to the latest survey on violence against women, one in five women had
experienced violence or the threat of violence by her present partner at some point of the
relationship.91 The results of an EU-wide survey conducted by the Fundamental Rights
Agency revealed that in Finland, the percentage of women that had experienced physical
and/or sexual violence was among the highest in the EU.92
10.1.2 Overview of national acts on violence against women, domestic violence and issues
related to the Istanbul Convention
Finnish legislation on violence, including both criminal law and victim services, is strictly
gender neutral. In the Criminal Code (39/1889), for example, several provisions in Chapter
20 on sexual crimes, Chapter 21 on crimes against life and health, and Chapter 25 on
crimes against freedom have been amended. Earlier amendments of Chapter 20 involved
a gender-neutral definition of rape. In the past ten years, most sexual crimes have been
brought under public p rosecution, physical harassment has been criminalised, and the
definitions of several sexual crimes have been changed. So far, the definition of rape is
based on force and not lack of consent. There is a citizens’ initiative pending for an
amendment of the provision on rape to be based on lack on consent. Physical sexual
harassment was criminalised in 2014. As to crimes again st life and death (Chapter 21),
the crime of petty assault against the offender’s spouse, former sp ouse or partner was
brought under public prosecution in 2011 . Until then, the prosecutor could not act unless
the victim required the perpetrator to be punished. Stalking was criminalised under
Chapter 25 of the Criminal Code in 2013. Amendments were made over several years. The
Act on Protection Orders (898/1998) was adopted in 1998, and the State provides funding
for shelters for victims of violence in intimate relations un der the Act on State Subsidies
for Providers of Shelters (1354/2014). In April 2019, the Ministry of Justice announced a
reform of Chapter 20 of the Criminal Code on sexual crimes. The preparatory works should
be ready by the end of May 2020.
The first GREVIO report on Finland93 noted a number of issues for improvement. The report
found that key pro fessionals are not systematically trained to tackle cases of violence
against women. The report also criticised the implementation of the Act on restraining
orders, the failure to secure the position of children who have experienced or witnessed
violence in custody issues, the lack of resources for victim se rvices, as well as making
several other observations. It was noted that the gender-neutral approach followed in
91 Sukupuolistuneen väkivallan yleisyys Suomessa (Prevalence of gender based violence in Finland), Centre
for Gender Equality Information, National Institute for Health and Welfare,
92 Violence against women: an EU-wide survey, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights,
93 Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) (2019)
Baseline Evaluation Report Finland, Grevio/Inf(2019)9,

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