Assessment of elevation influence and associated plant species on the bilberry population (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruit yield, in northern part of Albania

AuthorAgim Pepkolaj - Ndoc Faslia
PositionAgricultural University of Tirana, Department of Plant Sciences and Technologies
Vol. 3 No. 3
January, 2018
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
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Assessment of elevation inuence and associated plant species on the
bilberry population (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruit yield, in northern part of
MSc. Agim Pepkolaj
Prof. Dr. Ndoc Faslia
Agricultural University of Tirana, Department of Plant Sciences and Technologies
Assessment of elevation inuence and associated plant species on the bilberry fruit yield was
carried out in the four natural growing areas of Tropoja region. Bilberry fruit were harvested
manually when ripe, in four plots of 10 m square selected randomly per each targeted growing
site of Tropoja (Doberdol, Trokuz, Lestrana, Maja e boronices) from July to September and
were weighted separately. Elevation and the presence of plant species in association with
bilberry per each site were also recorded. Factorial analysis found signicant variability
among bilberry populations observed in Tropoja region. Comparisons of means using Tukey's
Q test found signicant dierences between bilberry populations of Lestrana, Trokuz and
Maja e boronices. Principal components analysis identied the variances of PC1 and PC2 that
account for 88.8% of the total variation. Populations of Doberdol, Trokuz and Lestrana were
the important sources of variation on the yield of bilberry. High inuence on bilberry yield
was determined by Geum montanum, Graminaceous plants, Hypericum perforatum, Vaccinium
uliginosum, Veratrum album and Verbascum nigrum species. Pinus peuce and Pinus pinea species
showed a negative inuence on the distribution and the fruit yield of bilberry. Regression
analysis found signicant relationship between the bilberry fruit yield and the elevation of
plot sites.
Keywords: Associated plant species, bilberry population and factorial analysis, elevation,
regression analysis.
Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) is a member of the Ericaceae family, and is also known
as European blueberry, huckleberry, and whortleberry. It is a shrubby perennial plant
one to six dm tall in height and can be found in the mountains and forests of Europe
and the northern United States. Vaccinium myrtillus is found natively in Europe,
and the primary commercial supply of bilberry comes from wild sources in Poland,
Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Albania, the former Yugoslavia (Moeck 1994), Sweden,
and other Scandinavian countries (Upton, 2001).
Anthocyanin is a pigment, which gives to the berry fruit the red colour (Baj et al.
1983), is one of the components used for quality control of the bilberry (Anja et al,
2013). The anthocyanin depends from the place and collection time (Burdulis et al,
2007). Akersrom et al, (2010) reported the anthocyanin concentration is increased
with increasing elevation. Comparing to other berry cultivars, bilberry (wild fruits)
contains the largest amount of anthocyanin (Upton, 2001), and higher antioxidant
activity compare to other cultivated blueberry cultivars (Ozlem et al, 2015, Burdulis

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