Balkan alliance: project on renewal of mediaval empires

AuthorAstrit Sahitaj
Vol. 3 No. 2
July 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
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Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Balkan alliance- – project on renewal of mediaval empires
PhD (C.) Astrit Sahitaj
In the rst decade of the twentieth century, the O oman Empire was faced with great
economic and political di culties. The Balkan monarchies would try to use this situation, and
the same would do the two antagonist parties, the Russian empire and the group of dualistic
monarchy. Those two groups were waiting for the most convenient moment to bene t from
the territory of the European Turkey. Even the diplomacies of the Balkan monarchies had
intentions of annexing the Albanian and Macedonian territories.1 In those circumstances,
“…, a role with a speci c importance had the continuous rebellions in Albania (Luarasi, 1973,
75)”. This situation was seen as an opportunity for Serbia, for the realization of the project of
Il a Garašanin for the renewal of the medieval state of Stefan Dušan. This project could be
realized easier by approximation of the politics of the Balkan monarchies. In these conditions,
an alliance between Serbia and Bulgaria was necessary, in order to create optimal conditions
for the approximation of politics between Serbia and Bulgaria.
This situation was seen as an opportunity even from the Great Powers and Slavic states,
which had their long-lasting dreams of expanding their territory. The Great Powers among
themselves were in antipodal positions. Each of them aimed at extending the hegemony in
Balkans. Main objective of this article is the analysis of the Balkan Alliance a er WWI.
Keywords: Balkan, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, WWI.
The beginning of the twentieth century found the diplomacy divided in two
antagonist blocks. In such conditions, the tsarist Russia (The Russian Empire) was
interested to extend their hegemony in Balkans. They tried to realize this intention
through the Slavic states of Balkans. With the intervention of the Russian diplomacy,
the rst disruptions for the Serbo- Bulgarian deal began. The Serbo-Bulgarian
negotiations were always held with the acknowledgement of the Russian, Nikollaj
Hartvig in Belgrade and Alexander Nekludovit in So a. It is understandable that
this happened with the approval of Tsar Nicholas II. In October of 1911 Cheskov and
Milovanovic created the preliminary conditions for a political and military alliance.
The rst negotiations for the alliance were held between Serbia and Bulgaria. They
were focused on having a deal for the inheritance of the Balkan states a er the ruins
of the O oman Empire. The created conditions dictated the deals among the Slavic-
Orthodox states. Albanians necessarily would face with “storm clouds” that would
bring bloodshed. The deal would “provide, among others the division of the Albanian
land in east and northeast” (Puto, 1978). This way, the lands in the north and west of
the Sharr mountains, where the vilayet of Kosovo and the Sanjak of Novi Pazar were
situated, would be annexed by Serbia, while Bulgaria would be allowed to annex the
territory in the east of the Rhodope mountains and the Struma River. According to
1    1912-1913,  , , 1960, .18.

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