Commission Directive 91/244/EEC of 6 March 1991 amending Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds

Published date08 May 1991
Subject MatterApproximation of laws,Provisions under Article 235 EEC,Environment
Official Gazette PublicationOfficial Journal of the European Communities, L 115, 8 May 1991
EUR-Lex - 31991L0244 - EN 31991L0244

Commission Directive 91/244/EEC of 6 March 1991 amending Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds

Official Journal L 115 , 08/05/1991 P. 0041 - 0055
Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 10 P. 0078
Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 10 P. 0078

COMMISSION DIRECTIVE of 6 March 1991 amending Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds (91/244/EEC)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds (1), as last amended by Directive 86/122/EEC (2), and in particular Articles 6, 15, 16 and 17 thereof,

Whereas Annex I to Directive 79/409/EEC should be amended to take account of the latest information on the situation of bird species;

Whereas, in order to prevent commercial interests from exerting possible harmful pressure on exploitation levels, the marketing of the subspecies Anser albifrons flavirostris and Tetrao tetrix tetrix should be banned;

Whereas the marketing of the species and subspecies Anser albifrons albifrons, Aythya marila, Melanitta nigra, Anas clypeata, Tetrao tetrix britannicus, Pluvialis apricaria, Lymnocryptes minimus, Gallinago gallinago and Scolopax rusticola should be brought within the scope of Article 6 (3) of Directive 79/409/EEC;

Whereas the provisions of this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee for the adaptation of Directive 79/409/EEC to technical and scientific progress,


Annexes I and III to Directive 79/409/EEC are hereby replaced by the Annexes to this Directive. Article 2

Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive at the latest by 31 July 1992. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

When Member States adopt these provisions, these shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their official publication. The procedure for such reference shall be adopted by Member States. Article 3

This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 6 March 1991. For the Commission


Member of the Commission (1) OJ No L 103, 25. 4. 1979, p. 1. (2) OJ No L 100, 16. 4. 1986, p. 22.


Español Dansk Deutsch AAëëçíéêUE 1. Gavia stellata Colimbo chico Roedstrubet lom Sterntaucher Êçëéaeïâïýôé 2. Gavia arctica Colimbo ártico Sortstrubet lom Prachttaucher Ëáìðñïâïýôé 3. Gavia immer Colimbo grande Islom Eistaucher Ðáãïâïýôé 4. Podiceps auritus Zampullín cuellirrojo Nordisk lappedykker Ohrentaucher Ùôïâïõôç÷ôUEñá 5. Pterodroma madeira Petrel de Madeira Madeira bloed petrel Madeirasturmvogel Èõaaëëïðïýëé ôçò ÌáaeÝñáò 6. Petrodroma feae Petrel atlántico Kanarisk bloed petrel Kapverden-Sturmvogel Èõaaëëïðïýëé ôùí Desertas 7. Bulweria bulwerii Petrel de Bulwer Bulwers skraape Bulwersturmvogel Èõaaëëïðïýëé ôïõ Bulver 8. Calonectris diomedea Pardela cenicienta Kuls skraape Gelbschnabelsturmtaucher ÁñôÝìéò 9. Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus Pardela pichoneta balear Balearisk almindelig skraape Schwarzschnabelsturmtaucher (Balearische Unterart) Ìý÷ïò (oeõëÞ Âáëaaáñssaeùí) 10. Puffinus assimilis Pardela chica Lille skraape Kleiner Sturmtaucher Ìéêñueìõ÷ïò 11. Pelagodroma marina Paíño pechialbo Fregatstormsvale Weissgesichtsturmschwalbe Ðaaëáãïaeñueìïò 12. Hydrobates pelagicus Paíño común Lille stormsvale Sturmschwalbe Ðaaôñssëïò 13. Oceanodroma leucorhoa Paíño de Leach Stor stormsvale Wellenlaeufer ÊõìáôïâUEôçò 14. Oceanodroma castro Paíño de Madeira Madeirastormsvale Madeira-Wellenlaeufer ÊõìáôïâUEôçò ôçò ÌáaeÝñáò 15. Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis Cormorán grande (continental) Skarv (kontinental underart) Kormoran (kontinentale Unterart) ÊïñìïñUEíïò (ÇðaaéñùôéêÞ oeõëÞ) 16. Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii Cormorán moñudo (mediterráneo) Topskarv (Middelhavs underart) Kraehenscharbe (Mittelmeer-Unterart) Èáëáóóïêueñáêáò 17. Phalacrocorax pygmeus Cormorán pigmeo Dvaergskarv Zwergscharbe Ëáããueíá 18. Pelecanus onocrotalus Pelícano común Almindelig pelikan Rosapelikan ÑïaeïðaaëaaêUEíïò 19. Pelecanus crispus Pelícano ceñudo Kroeltoppet pelikan Krauskopfpelikan ÁñãõñïðaaëaaêUEíïò 20. Botaurus stellaris Avetoro Roerdrum Rohrdommel ÔñáíïìïõãêUEíá 21. Ixobrychus minutus Avetorillo común Dvaerghejre Zwergdommel ÍáíïìïõãêUEíá 22. Nycticorax nycticorax Martinete Nathejre Nachtreiher Íõ÷ôïêueñáêáò 23. Ardeola ralloides Garcilla cangrejera Tophejre Rallenreiher ËaaõêïôóéêíéUEò 24. Egretta garzetta Garceta común Silkehejre Seidenreiher ÁñãõñïôóéêíéUEò 25. Egretta alba Garceta grande Soelvhejre Silberreiher ÐïñoeõñïôóéêíéUEò 26. Ardea purpurea Garza imperial Purpurhejre Purpurreiher 27. Ciconia nigra Cigueeña negra Sort stork Schwarzstorch Ìáõñïðaaëáñãueò 28. Ciconia ciconia Cigueeña común Hvid stork Weissstorch Ëaaõêïðaaëáñãueò

English Français Italiano Nederlands Português Red-throated Diver Plongeon catmarin Strolaga minore Roodkeelduiker Mobêlha-pequena Black-throated Diver Plongeon arctique Strolaga mezzana Parelduiker Mobêlha-árctica Great Northern Diver Plongeon imbrin Strolaga maggiore IJsduiker Mobélha-grande Slavonian Grebe Grèbe esclavon Svasso cornuto Kuifduiker Mergulhao-de-pescoço-castanho Freira Diablotin de Madère Berta di Madera Madeirastormvogel Freira da Madeira Gon-gon Diablotin du Cap-Vert Berta del Capo Verde Gon-gonstormvogel Freira do Bugio Bulwer's Petrel Pétrel de Bulwer Berta di Bulwer Bulwers stormvogel Alma-negra Cory's Shearwater Puffin cendré Berta maggiore Kuhls pijlstormvogel Pardela-de-bico-amarelo Manx Shearwater (Balearic subspecies) Puffin des Baléares Berta minore (sottospecie delle Baleari) Noordse pijlstormvogel (Westmediterrane ondersoort) Pardela-sombria das Baleares Little Shearwater Petit Puffin Berta minore fosca Kleine pijlstormvogel Pardela-pequena Frigate Petrel Pétrel frégate Uccello delle tempeste fregata Bont stormvogeltje Calcamar Storm Petrel Pétrel tempête Uccello delle tempeste Stormvogeltje Painho-de-cauda-quadrada Leach's Storm-petrel Pétrel culblanc Uccello delle tempeste codaforcuta Vaal stormvogeltje Painho-de-cauda-forcada Madeiran Storm-petrel Pétrel de Castro Uccello delle tempeste di Castro Madeirastormvogeltje Painho da Madeira Comorant (cóntinental subspecies) Grand Cormoran (sous-espèce continentale) Cormorano (sottospecie continentale) Aalscholver (continentale ondersoort) Corvo-marinho-de-faces-brancas (subespécie continental) Shag (Mediterranean subspecies) Cormoran huppé (sous-espèce méditerranéenne Marangone dal ciuffo (sottospecie del Mediterraneo) Kuifaalscholver (Middellandse Zee-ondersoort) Corvo-marinho-de-crista (subespécie mediterrânica) Pygmy Cormorant Cormoran pygmée Marangone minore Dwergaalscholver Corvo-marinho-pigmeu White Pelican Pélican blanc Pellicano Pelikaan Pelicano-vulgar Dalmatian Pelican Pélican frisé Pellicano riccio Kroeskoppelikaan Pelicano-crespo Bittern Butor étoilé Tarabuso Roerdomp Abetouro-comum Little Bittern Blongios nain Tarabusino Woudaapje Garça-pequena Night Heron Héron bihoreau Nitticora Kwak Goraz Squacco Heron Héron crabier Sgarza ciuffetto Ralreiger Papa-ratos Little Egret Aigrette garzette Garzetta Kleine zilverreiger Garça-branca-pequena Great White Egret Grande Aigrette Airone bianco maggiore Grote zilverreiger Garça-branca-grande Purple Heron Héron pourpré Airone rosso Purperreiger Garça-vermelha Black Stork Cigogne noire Cicogna nera Zwarte ooievaar Cegonha-preta White Stork Cigogne blanche Cicogna bianca Ooievaar Cegonha-branca

Español Dansk Deutsch AAëëçíéêUE 29. Plegadis falcinellus Morito Sort ibis Sichler ×áëêueêïôá 30. Platalea leucorodia Espátula Skestork Loeffler ×ïõ÷éáñïìýôá 31. Phoenicopterus ruber Flamenco Flamingo Flamingo OEëáìssãêï 32. Cygnus bewickii (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) Cisne chico Pibesvane Zwergschwan Íáíueêõêíïò 33. Cygnus cygnus Cisne cantor Sangsvane Singschwan Áãñéueêõêíïò 34. Anser albifrons flavirostris Ánsar careto de...

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