Coordination at national level

AuthorLorenzo Cachón
Although the transposition of European directives is the responsibility of the Ministry of
Justice under the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the department that drew
up the texts transposing Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78 in 2003 was the Min istry of
Labour and Social Affairs (Directorate General for Labour).
The department responsible for implementing anti-discrimination policies is the Directorate
General for Equality of Treatment and Div ersity, a directorate g eneral of the Secretary of
Equality within the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Parliament and Equality.147
This department has a general duty to monitor the implementation of the two directives
(independently of the duties of other minist erial departments in their resp ective fields).
The directorate general is also responsible for developing regulat ions applicable to the
Council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination.
The department responsible for implementing policies to support p ersons with disabilities
is the State Se cretariat for Social P olicy, which is part of the Ministry of Health,
Consumption and Social Welfare. Most of the anti-discrimination issues covered by this
report come under this department’s remit. However, we should note that there are other
departments with responsibilities in matters of racial or ethnic discrimination, both in
ministries and in other tiers of government, such as the autonomous communities and
town councils.
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination National Action Plan
On 4 November 2011, the Spanish Government approved the ‘Comprehensive strategy
against racism, discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance’ (still in force in 2019).
In addition to drawing together various actions already included under Government plans,
the strategy contains some compromises sought by ECRI (but not others). The strategy
includes four blocks of activities: analysis, information systems and criminal legal action
on racism, racial discrimination, xenoph obia and related intolerance; promotion of
institutional coordination and cooperation with civil society; p revention and protection for
the victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; and
specific areas (including education, employment, health, housing, media, internet, sports,
and awareness) (see Cachón, 2012). In 2015, the Governm ent published its ‘Report on
the evaluation and monitoring of the comprehensive strategy against racism, racial
discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance’. Th ere are no mo re recent evaluation
reports of the plan.
147 Since January 2020, it has been part of the Ministry of Equality.

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