Does Capitalism and the Culture Industry Create False Needs? A study of Marcuse, Adorno, and Horkheimer

AuthorErbi Ago
PositionTirana Business University
ISSN 2410-3918 Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences Vol 1 No 2
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania July 2015
Does Capitalism and the Culture Industry Create False Needs? A study of
Marcuse, Adorno, and Horkheimer
Erbi Ago, GDL, LPC
Tirana Business University
e world as we know it nowadays has evolved into an entity characterized by dierent political
and economic systems. Each of these systems aects human mentality in a certain way. When
focusing on capitalism and its culture industry, one cannot help but notice the dierent needs
that are created as a result of dierent components of this system. To achieve an understanding
of the needs, or rather, false needs created by the culture industry, a study of the latter would
be provided at rst. Furthermore, this paper aims at understanding whether it is only capitalism
that creates a culture of false and unnecessary needs, in order to create a studying basis for future
analysis where other systems could be analyzed and compared to the it. While implementing these
societal analyses, it can then be possible to implement positive aspects of other systems, at least
theoretically, into the capitalist system, providing therefore an economic system without false
needs. e framework of this paper was characterized by the analysis of the three main minds
that aected the Frankfurt School approach. Marx, Weber, and Lukacs’ theories were analyzed and
their eect to the critical theorists was compared with the main works of Adorno, Marcuse and
Horkheimer. Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism; Weber’s instrumental action and reasoning;
and Lukacs’ reication of consciousness were all concepts that aected the latter thinkers in one
way or another, allowing them to create a pivotal change in the academic and scholarly thinking
on capitalism. In essence, this paper will describe, list, and analyze the aspects of capitalism that
create our false needs.
Keywords: Capitalism, Economy, Politics, Psychology, Society.
Many scholars have considered Herbert Marcuse’s Eros and Civilization as the most
signicant work in the study of the capitalist culture industry and its false needs, together
with eodor Adorno’s and Max Horkheimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment (Katz, 1982,
151 & Durham-Peters, 2003, 66). ese works represent a stepping stone as well as an
important development in the formation of the Critical eory focused on the human
capitalist interests (Outhwaite, 1988, 5-8). ese theories came to be in the early 20th
century. However, whether a theory is right or wrong is a subject that should always be
studied. It is important to see whether what a theory claims is true. On this point, this
paper will examine whether the culture industry creates false needs; arguing that it does
in fact do so, supporting the theories of the previously mentioned proponents.
is analysis will focus on scholars such as Marx, Weber, and Lukacs, who really gave
what could be considered the start of this theory. is will allow pointing out what the

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