Environmental hazard profile

AuthorClemm, Christan; Löw, Clara; Baron, Yifaat; Moch, Katja; Möller, Martin; Köhler, Andreas R; Gensch, Carl-Otto; Deubzer, Otmar
RoHS Annex II Dossier, final
Indium phosphide
There is no environmental hazard assessment available for indium phosphide. The Annex XV
dossier (France 2009) did not consider environmental fate properties or hazards, since the dossier
was targeted at the identification of indium phosphide as a CMR substance. As indium phosphide is
not regulated under REACH, there is no information via ECHA databases available.
Additional desktop research did not reveal substantial information on environmental hazards. The
database of the PubChem of the US National Library of Medicine63 provided the following information
on environmental fate: “Monovalent and bivalent indium compounds tend to disproportionate into the
trivalent compounds and indium metal; the trivalent compounds are most stable. Due to the ionic
nature of indium salts, volatilization from soil surfaces will not be important.
Against the lack of information, further aspects (identification of hazard potential, endpoints of
concern, potential for secondary poisoning and bioaccumulation, and guidance values [PNECs]) are
omitted in the dossier at hand.
63 PubChem of the US National Library of Medicine (2020) https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Indium-
phosphide, last viewed 26.02.2020

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