Executive summary

AuthorMehtonen, Susanna
IPOL | Policy Department for Economic, Scie ntific and Quality of Life Policies
6 PE 638.397
Finland has a functioni ng rec ep tion and integration system, in particular for quota refugees. The
rec ept ion sys tem and pr eparednes s plans hav e all owed stake holde rs to accum ulate and hol d on to the
knowhow of rec ept ion and inte gration a ctivi tie s. I n 201 5, the reception system was abl e to stretc h to
adapt to the ten-fold incre ase in t he arr ivals of as ylum ap pli cants. Eve ryone who arrive d had a b ed to
sleep in and a roof over their head. However, the increase in applications created a public panic that
led to vast and perm anent ame ndments i n the migration legislation and serious deficiencies in the
right of asylum seeke rs to a fair procedure, the right to family unity and the right to non-discrimination.
For example, the restri ctions in access to free le gal aid, the restrictions of the appellate procedures and
the political pressure to acc el erate de ci sion-mak ing, have led to fears that individuals with the ri ght to
inte rnational protec tion will not rece ive pr otection due to the defi cienc ies in the asylum p rocedure.
The legisl ative am endments have al so create d a new group of i rregular m igrants in Finl and, leaving
failed asylum seekers who cannot be returned outside the remit of society and vulnerable to
Integration measures combine activities by municipalities, authorities and the third sector. This is seen
as a positive aspect of the Finnish system, but the current measures lack adequate resources and
longsi ghted p lanning. Too many i ntegrat ion act ivit ies re ly on p rojec t-based funding, t hus not all owing
stakehol ders to make l ong-term plans. The policy that asylum seekers lack access to integration
measures does not take into account that asylum seekers may spend several years in the country before
their procedure is finished and that they would benefit from integration activities already from t he
begi nning of thei r arri val.
Conclusio ns and recomm endat ions
Finla nd should re consider the le gislative ame ndments made in t he years 2 014 2 016 an d com mi t to
provi de a fair p rocedure to all asylum ap plicants. Inte gration should be seen as a long-term pro ject that
benefits society and refugees.
The right to free legal aid throughout the asylum determination procedure should be
Asylum appl icants should hav e acces s to exp ert le gal advice on t heir ri ghts and duties in the
asylum determination pro cedure befo re t he as ylum in ter view.
The deadlines and other restrictions on the appellate procedure, that are only applicable to
asylum cases, create a discriminative procedure and should be revoked.
Restrictions on the right to family reunification should be revoked.
The right to a temporary residence permit for failed asylum seekers who cannot be r eturned
should be reinstated in order to avoid pushing failed asylum seeke rs into irregular status.
Asylum seekers should have access to integration activities upon arrival.
Access to work for asylum seekers should be made easier.
The governme nt should wo rk wit h munic ipal ities to ensur e that there are enough pl aces in
muni cip aliti es for those who have be en grant ed int ernati onal p rote ction.
Asylum seekers should be part of the integr ation me asures upon ar rival in the country and have
access to measures that currently are offered to all other regul ar groups of migrants except
asylum seekers who are in the midst of their asylum proceedings.

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