Factors that in?uence the realization of the constitutional - legal protection

AuthorSafet Emruli
PositionUniversity of Tetovo, Macedonia
Vol. 4 No. 1
March, 2018
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Factors that inf‌l uence the realization of the constitutional – legal protection
Safet Emruli
University of Tetovo, Macedonia
The constitutional justice system represents the main actor of the establishment and the
harmonious functioning of true democracy, because it implies the spirit of the constitution,
where the rules of democracy, rule of law and the protection of the rights and freedoms of the
citizens are envisaged, is respected and implemented in real life. The constitutional justice,
in fact, represents the key segment that guarantees the vitality and e ciency of the judicial
order. As such, it emerged as a result of the needs of the democratic life and not by being
predetermined by any kind of a legal-constitutional provision.
Keywords: legal protection, democracy, Macedonia, Albania.
The existence and function of the rule-of-law state is based on the principle of the
rule of law. The constitution represents the fundamental act of the rule of law and
the presumption of the realization of constitutionality. It is a fact that this basic
document, which guarantees the citizens’ rights and freedoms and which foresees
and determines the organization of the state power, exists in the Republic of
Macedonia and in the Republic of Albania as states that will be an object of study
in our work. In such circumstances, it should be noted that the lawmakers’ freedom
in the normative law-making f‌i eld can only be achieved within the framework of
certain constitutional principles. This freedom of the lawmaker is determined by
the fundamental values proclaiming and safeguarding the constitution, i.e. by the
constitutional principles. This freedom of the legislator and the framework for the
realization of individual constitutional rights are determined by the fundamental
values proclaimed and protected by the concerned constitution, whereas in a portion
of exercising power constitutional constraints are created in those relations that are
directly regulated by the constitution itself. Taken together, these def‌i ning principles,
such as legislative activity, ways of realizing individual constitutional rights, and
constitutional constraints in the exercise of political power, create the core of what is
called legal certainty. Legal security, at the same time, constitutes the essence of the
principle of the rule of law (Costa, Zolo, 2010). The two countries that are subject to
our study sanction the same constitutional values in their constitutions on which the
rule of law is based.
Based on the above-mentioned, the question as to what kind of constitutions there
are in the countries under study is raised. Other questions include the way of their
implementation and the existence of any serious issues that might hinder or limit the
application of constitutionality in the mentioned countries.
The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and of the Republic of Albania (as

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