Functionality of the Kosovo Competition Authority on the basis of European Union standards a guarantee for loyal economy in Kosovo

AuthorArmand Krasniqi
PositionFaculty of Economics - University 'Hasan Prishtina' Prishtina
ISSN 2410-759X Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Special Issue No 1
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania June 2015
Functionality of the Kosovo Competition Authority on the basis of European
Union standards a guarantee for loyal economy in Kosovo Armand Krasniqi, Prof.Asoc.
Faculty of Economics - University “Hasan Prishtina” Prishtina
Legal regulation of market mechanisms and the implementation of economic policies for a fair
competition in TEs is a challenging issue. e competition is a complex economic phenomenon
that is manifested and characterized by the strength and content that gives to the market economy.
In Kosovo specic economic entities, in one way or another, are tempted to gain as much buyers
or markets and create much more prots. e problem is that this is not done in regular way.
Such behavior and unfair actions are not only damaging the image of the country but is a serious
threat the harmonious development of the national economy and the country’s accession process
to the EU. e parliament of Kosovo year ago established the Kosovo Competition Authority as an
independent institution with special competences to control and ght this negative phenomenon.
Based to ocial data it turns out that the eectiveness of this institution not only is incomplete but
also non-functional. is is because of the “ignorance” and non-adequate treatment that is reserved
for this authority by the parliamentary and governmental institutions. All this because the members
are not elected based to regular procedures and not allocating the necessary nancial means to
operate. At least so far, to Kosovo Competition Authority was not allowed to hire professionals
with clear competences to act and investigate the negative phenomenon of unfair competition.
Certainly, this situation does not guarantee eective implementation of laws and quality protection
of competition. erefore, mobilization of parliamentary and governmental levels is to enhance
professional capacities and increase their competence in scope of the investigation including
cooperation with prosecutors and courts. ese actions should be reconsidered with the aim
of creating a competitive safe environment for all operators. To conclude, the loyal competition
policies and legislative framework should be harmonized in forms and content with the policies
and rules of the EU.
Key words: competition, competences, legislation, the regulatory authority, EU.
e Republic of Kosovo is a country with an economy open toward the international trade
that was supposed to be characterized by dynamism and growth. During recent years the
country has a macroeconomic stability with small economic growth. Despite this, these
positive parameters are not sucient for a dynamic economic development. A particular
attention has been paid to the institutional changes including the establishment of
regulatory mechanisms, adoption of a legal framework for competition, the establishment
of institutions and development of policies that support markets. e institutional changes
regarding the enterprises and businesses, in the legal, nancial and social framework that
support the market process and enterprises constitute the essence of the transition.
In this regard, the main challenges for today and in the future is the consolidation of a
fully functioning market economy, able to withstand the competitive coercion and market
forces by powerful commercial operators, both at the regional and global level. Soon the
relevant state institutions will sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement with
EU. ese are proofs that in one hand reect the progress that the country has made in

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