Implementation of e-commerce in developing countries: impact and its limitations-Albanian Case study
Author | Genti Çela |
Position | Faculty of Economy - Tirana University - Albania |
Pages | 66-73 |
Vol. 2 No. 2
July 2016
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
ISSN 2410-3918
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Implementation of e-commerce in developing countries: impact and its
limitations-Albanian Case study
Genti Çela
Faculty of Economy – Tirana University – Albania
velopedcountries hasbeen provenas anindisputable potentialto amelioratetheeciency
andproductivity indierentareasthereforeitsimplementationis aractingsignicant at-
tention in developing countries. Despite its opportunities established in developed countries,
there were many doubts about the e-commerce implementation in developing countries. That
reluctance is heightened by the limited number of studies on e-commerce and the lack of leg-
islationThispaperaimstocontributeon llingtheresearchgapbyhighlightingthe ecom-
merce implementation in Albania as a developing country, its importance, the level of trust, its
benetsitspositive ornegativeimpacts anditslimitations Thisstudywillbecontinuously
and accordingly updated with new evidence based on research results, along with future
developments of Albania’s economic, political, social and demographic environment. This is
becausedierent areas representdierent infrastructureanddierent socialand economic
Wehavealso takeinto considerationthatdierentcommunitieshavedierentaitudes to-
ward the acceptance and developments of e-Commerce system. In this paper, we present a
comprehensiveapproachtoecommerceconcentratingspecicallyonAlbanian caseFirstly
weanalyze thecurrent situationofeCommerce Secondlywe payaention to thebenets
and legal strategies for its implementation. The third step consists in presenting the relevant
objectives. We believe and insist that the development of e-commerce in developing nations,
- including Albania, has a positive perspective, if the government, companies and the public
Keywords: e-commerce, m-commerce, e-tailing, cybermall.
Even nowadays long aer the emergence of the socalled dot.comInternet
Revolution electronic commerce remains relatively new being developed and
altered constantly in the business management space and the information technology.
There have been and will constantly be discussions on the electronic commerce. There
are always doubts, confusion and misunderstandings about this topic as a result of
Electronic commerce or E-commerce, based on ICT bears an extraordinary potential
to improve the global trade eciency and to integrate the developing countries
in these developments. As a consequence, a considerable rise of e-commerce has
been taking place in developed countries in the last two decades as well as in its
implementation in the developing countries (UNCTAD 2011). The successful adoption
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