Influence of Media in EU political security issues?

AuthorJeton Kelmendi
PositionAcademy of Science and Arts of Europe, Salzburg Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
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Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania Vol. 1 No. 3
January 2016
Influence of Media in EU political security issues?
Acad. Jeton Kelmendi
Academy of Science and Arts of Europe, Salzburg Austria
The influence of media in Security Politics of EU exists and the aim of this paper is to
prove that media has influence and in what way. The analysis is in part theoretical and
in part based on a survey carried out on journalists. The results show the opinion of
journalists as well as the kind of media used by various groups and their diverse
influences. It should be noted that the outcome to the question raised in the subject
matter is that media influences opinion within the European Union and affects EU security
politics.This role of media is analysed in this paper and it shows that the influence is
present in different ways.
Keywords: EU, Security, institutions, terrorist and politics.
From the outset of the EU’s existence the main aim of the EU projectwas to bring
about a post World War I and II normalisationof good relations between two former
enemies, the Germanand French people.Security was thereflore of utmost importance.
Over thedecades this project evolved into our present day European Union, which
functions on the basis of the Lisbon Treaty and istotally different to what it was at
the beginning. Over the years asuccession of EU Treaties have regulated both internal
and external realtions. After some enlargements, the European Union now has 28
Member States made up of about 500 milion peoples and security has now of course
become one of its most important issues (EU official website). The EU can be
considered as a kind of confederation but only to a certain degree, since each Member
State has its own local and national institutions to deal with security matters:
such as the army, police, secret service etc, but the EU also keeps an eye on security.
A major ambition of the European Union is to promote european values and to
ensure it functions as a Single Market, which defacto makes it the largest economy
in the World. The Europen Union functionsas an organisation made up of different
EU institutions, where every Member State has had to hand overto it some of its
competencies, thusgiving it a certain amount of autonomyaccording to the expert
of EU integrations Prof. Avni Mazreku (Mazreku, A 2015). In reality thepolicies of
the EU and its institutions have made much progress since their foundation, but
still need to evolve further.In order to uphold this opinion it is important to analyse
the EU’s external actions and the stance of the european people with regard to
external and security issues.
Institutions of the European Union
The EU is made up of 14 institutions/bodies, which perform itsdaily functionsand
is not a typical international organisation andneither can it be considered asa

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