Interpreting and treatment of certain terms in English language

AuthorFatmir Vrapi
PositionPolytechnic University of Tirana
Vol. 6 No.2
September, 2020
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
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Interpreting and treatment of certain terms in English language
Assoc. Prof. Fatmir Vrapi
Polytechnic University of Tirana
Terms make up an essential part of technical writings and literature. They appear in various
forms, texts and uses through their clarity and accuracy. In using the correct terms, we should
abide by certain grammatical rules, which if not carefully tackled and strictly followed could
lead to wrong targeted English terms and messages.
In that case, reference should be made to grammar intrinsic rules and reviews, and language
speci c behaviour to terms within various areas of knowledge and variants of British-American
English usage preferences on terms. Experience and expertise, terminological dictionaries,
and eld specialists together with ESP teachers, could become great tools and useful assistants
into term acquisition and mastery. Then, it is up to smart students and scholars to make use
of their own skills and capacities towards terms-interpretation and treatment, down to term-
formation and equivalence.
Keywords: interpretation, rule, skills, speci c, terms.
When tackling with terms, one should be meticulously careful, not only with the
whole range of uses and application, but also with the intricate spectrum of areas in
the elds of knowledge and disciplines of science; there are cases when seemingly
identical terms, could be used in di erent elds of knowledge, but at times you might
encounter di erent terms being used in the domains of the same discipline of science.
In view of this, terms behave di erently under di erent circumstances, in a sense, they
are contextually bound by certain prerogative limits within certain morphological
and syntactic rules. With reference to the above, a term could be de ned as a word
with a speci c meaning, within a speci c eld of knowledge and expertise; hence,
technical terms constitute a substantial part of all technical and scienti c texts and
Every eld of knowledge and specialty makes use of a special vocabulary denoting
specialized concepts by means of a technical language and speech. So, terms are
language units representing part of the lexicon and containing phonological,
morphological and syntactic features and information. They serve as vehicles of
communication and as cognitive units should denote concepts to be perceived by
human brain via grammar rules and communication.
Furthermore, terms have to be designated as a major tool of the terminology eld, or
conversely, no comprehension, communication, interpretation, translation and any
interaction would be made possible. Terms do also display a coordinating, correlative
function with common words and other parts of the sentence.
In fact, there is a general theory in terminology well-developed, a comprehensive work
by E.Wurster and followed by Picht, Bergenholtz, Heribert et al where terminology
work starts with a concept and then moves to the designated terms and the form of

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