Judicial review of administrative normative act. Limits of courts control on political decision making

AuthorErlir Puto
PositionFaculty of Law of Tirana University
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1
March 2016
Judicial review of administrative normative act. Limits of courts control on
political decision making
Dr. Erlir Puto
Faculty of Law of Tirana University
Legal democracies have been facing with the evolution of a system of administrative activity
judicial review. Meanwhile the evolving of the Judicial Control over the Public Administration
in different countries of civil law systems has produced even in Albania the possibility of a
specific judiciary control over the Public Administration in an extended way. The new Albanian
Law on Administrative Courts (Law 49/2012) provides the power of the Administrative Court
of Appeal to judge as a Court of First Instance, in the cases regarding controversies on normative
administrative acts. It is a new open door to judge political decision makers, with some implicit
consequences on the entire system. Those acts are produced as a further explanation and
specification of the Law. Meanwhile they also express the Government Political Direction
and Political will. The most important issue which may rise in this case is: How can an
Administrative Court judge on the Executive Political Decision? May a Court judge the political
will of the Executive?
This power, given to the court, if we refer to administrative normative acts produced by public
authorities of political nature, is in substance in contrast to the right of exercising political
powers. This power to judge the politics should be evaluated case by case, but also some
guiding lines should be established. These should be some basic guiding criteria and limits to
be followed by the judges in the evaluation of objectives, purposes, aims or proportionality to
the situation that has imposed the law.
In most of the judiciary systems, the limits of reciprocal control between powers of the state
remain a never ending process of practice. It is usual that the law gives to the administration
a wide margin of opportunity. The way how executive would use its discretionarily, should
be judged in an appropriate way by courts. The limits of court interference in administrative
decision making would produce a fair system of judiciary control but may be even an
usurpation of government independence of political decision making or administrative
Keywords: judicial review, normative act, political decision making, court limits, separation
of powers.
Judicial review of administrative activity has been a continuously discussed topic in
the last centuries. It is strongly connected to the evolution of democracy in every
single country. In its initial concept, the right of judicial review on the activity and
decisions of political power holders established through the Executive power has
been very limited. In a country where the power has been represented by a power
holder representative of the Divinity, or an authoritarian or totalitarian regime, the
idea of separation of powers and as a consequence of an independent judicial review,
has been very limited. It has been allowed only on individual acts mostly regarding
peripheral administrative bodies’.

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