
AuthorJordan Hill - Malin Carlberg - Richard Procee - Iva Plasilova - Marion Goubet
Assessment of th e im plem en tat ion o f t he Code of Pract ice on Disinform at ion
Dir ect or at e-Gen eral for Comm uni catio ns Net wor ks, Co nten t an d Tech nolog y
This section provides a brief description of the methodology designed and deployed for
the study. It describes the main research tools used as well as provides a summary of
the analysis undertaken in order to reach the study conclusions. The final section outlines
some (inherent) limitations of the study.
The project roadmap is outlined in Figure 1 (below) and shows the steps in which the
study was undertaken. It was divided into four main tasks:
Task 0: Inception and conceptualisation. This task finalised the study design, timeline
and saw the study team undertake preparatory work, focusing on the evaluation
framework and conceptual approach. The study team undertook a small number of
scoping interviews during this task.
Task 1: Development of an evaluation plan: The purpose of task 1 was to design a
clearly defined and comprehensive evaluation plan that would inform the study’s
assessment of the effectiveness of the Signatories in achieving the objectives of the
Code. The output of task 1 was a brief report which built on the inception phase (Task 0)
in terms of developing the evaluation questions framework, intervention logic of the Code
and relevant indicators. Task 1 was informed by an evidence review and by a pre-
consultation interview programme which explored methodological questions (rather than
evaluative ones). Two external experts were also consulted and asked to provide quality
assurance at this stage of the study.
Task 2: Implementation of the evaluation plan: Task 2 constituted the main data
collection activities of the study and covered mapping the measures and policies of the
Signatories, creation of an online survey, selection of case studies and interview
programme. These are further described below in section 2.1.
Task 3: Suggestions for future development: The key findings and conclusions are
presented in this report, which constitutes the main output of the study.

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