Migration and remitt ances - their impact on social and economic developments in Albania

AuthorJuventina Ngjela
PositionUniversity of Tirana
Vol. 3 No. 1
May, 2017
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Migration and remi ances - their impact on social and economic
developments in Albania
PhD (C.) Juventina Ngjela
University of Tirana
Increased migration and remi ances are important features of globalization. International
migration is a multidimensional phenomenon that has di erent economic, social and
environmental impacts for the countries of destination and origin. A er 90 years Albania has
su ered a large out ow of migrants seeking jobs and be er opportunities abroad. Migration
is motivated by several factors such as high levels of poverty, high unemployment, poor
economic assistance, lack of infrastructure, problems in health and education system in the
public sector, etc.
This study aims to explain the positive role played by this phenomenon in terms of human
resource development, reducing unemployment and training and intellectual skills through
occupations and experience they acquire in the countries of the destination.
Immigration has played an important role in alleviating unemployment and poverty during
the di cult years of transition. Migration and remi ances have contributed positively to the
growth of material welfare. Albanian remi ances have a ected the provision of economic
assistance available not only for their families but also for socio-economic stabilization of the
country in general.
In this material are presented some suggestions taking into account government policies
and programs, cooperation with banks, local authorities, universities, the formalization and
e ective use of remi ances in the interest of economic and social development of the country
Keywords: Immigration, Immigrant, Remi ances, Development.
Albania is already involved in the global migration dynamics. Its integration into the
global migratory movements also means involvement in global economic systems.
This is because migration is not an isolated phenomenon, but rather an important
component of the global economic system (Castles and Miller 1993).
Albanian migration a er the 1990, due to its unique features and distinct from the
migration of other ex-communist countries, has a racted the a ention of various
They have described Albania as a kind of laboratory for studying new migratory
processes, albanian migrants and migration itself as a vehemently migration.
During the past two decades, Albania was a country in constant motion where internal
and international migration and return migration have coexisted and interacted with
each other.
Migration and development are discussed in social sciences from a variety of
perspectives. Remi ances, the money that migrants send in their home are vulnerable,
thus contributing to their household. (Adams 2003, p. 4; Skeldon, 2008, p. 3; Taylor et
al., 1996, p. 181).

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