Serbia's attitude towards Albania during the period of Wilhelm Wied

AuthorMilazim Elshani
PositionUniversity of Tirana
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
Vol. 2 No. 2
July 2016
ISSN 2410-3918
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PhD (C.) Milazim Elshani
University of Tirana
and Conference ofAmbassadors in London a period of external political inuences with
manydierent intereststo implementor preventthe developmentofthenewly createdAl-
cal circumstances regarding the nomination of the ruler prince or at least it tried to alter the
to make the longstanding dream possible to cruise through the Albanian lands. The declara-
tion of Albanian Independence evoked great concern to the Balkans neighboring states who
ments which would undermine the act of Independence or to put it on a shade in any form.
The interest of Serbian politics towards Albania was consistent. If we want to best understand
a comparative manner Serbia’s politics in Albania and Kosovo and other occupied territories.
it followed a strict anti-Islamic and anti-Albanian policy.
The Declaration of Independence of Albania and the expansionist politics of Balkans
neighbors propound the quest of Albania, as a European issue, since November 1912.
The disruption of statusquoinBalkanwhichwaskeptarticiallyuntilthenevoked
the controversies and the dierent interests that European powers had between
them in general and in Albania’s case, in particular. The declaration of Independence
of Albania evoked great concerns to the Balkans neighboring states who had
dedicated Albania as war trophy. The Great Powers upon recognition of the Albania’s
Independencefaced someverydiculttasksIn onehandthey hadto harmonize
and keep the balance between each other; on the other hand they had to come to terms
with Serbian’s, Greek’s and Montenegrin’s innumerous claims towards the Albanian
territories and lastly the confrontation with the Albanian population that claimed
the preservation of their ethnic territories. In such a situation these European powers
nottrusting eachother andalsoto preservetheir inuenceinAlbaniaon behalfof
consolidation and country’s leadership, decided to nominate a foreign prince on top
of the Albanian state.
The appointment of foreign monarchs on top of new states in Balkans was an earlier
practiced solution by the Great Powers. Before Albania, the monarchs whether
princes or kings that were placed to lead Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, during the XIX

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