Some theoretical-practical aspects of plea bargain
Author | Valbona Nano - Ylli Pjeternikaj |
Pages | 49-58 |
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
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Vol. 5 No.3
January, 2020
Some theoretical-practical aspects of plea bargain
Valbona Nano
Ylli Pjeternikaj
Trad itionally, procedural criminal law and jurisprudence in the European legal systems have
always been stoical towards consensual law institutes, including plea bargaining, arguing that
the penal reaction is explicitly regulated by law, which does not allow dialogue, compromise
or negotiation, taking into account that the main objective is to protect fundamental social
However, the positive benefi ts of the traditional institutes of procedural law in common law
states have drawn the a ention of European states, which have become sensitive to consensual
justice, giving it an important role in their legal reforms.
These developments have also been infl uenced by contemporary aspects of criminal justice,
characterized by dynamic development and reforms in many respects. The aim is to ensure
that criminal justice is equally accessible to all citizens and implemented in the shortest
possible time. These e orts lead to the constant search for di erent solutions to speed up
criminal proceedings. Simplifi ed action is a prerequisite for speeding up criminal proceedings.
In the criminal procedure system of Albania, the plea bargains institute is for the fi rst time
provided by Law No. 35/2017. The inauguration for the fi rst time of this institute arises the
need to conduct a scientifi c study, in order the law to be applied in practice. Any contribution
in this regard is of great importance.
Keywords: negotiation, plea bargain, defendant,prosecutor, sanction.
Plea bargain is primarily an institute of American criminal procedure, through
which american courts se le most criminal cases (Sahiti, Murati, Elshani, 2014. 576).
More than 95% of sanctions in the federal and state systems of the United States are
product of plea bargaining (Bureau, 2012. Statistical 2015). Although plea bargaining
negotiations in this country have a long tradition of implementation, this institute
continues to be the subject of debate between supporters and opponents to fi nding
solutions for criminal cases through plea bargain (Danilo.2009.21).
The application of the agreement allows the criminal justice system to gain e ciency,
and speed and to reduce the workload (Nimm. 2016), (Santabello.1971, 260), (L.Rev
2014. 44). This avoids court cases characterized by slowness, accentuated formalism,
lack of fl exibility. However, even if the penal system succeeds in coping with a large
number of ordinary lawsuits, plea bargain makes it possible to allocate resources
more e ectively, even to very useful programs, as for example to the probation
service (S.White, 1971.440).
Another clear benefi t of a negotiated plea is to assist the prosecutor in obtaining
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